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今天他把我震撼了!He wows me today.

我喜欢这种震撼!I love this shot!

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这是个震撼性的新闻。That was the shocking news.

听铁蹄震撼大地!Hark to our stomps on the ground!

震撼者投放夸克炸弹。Shockers drop a single Quark Bomb.

我们喜欢未知带给我们的震撼。We love the thrill of the unknown.

雷声轰鸣,震撼了大地。Thunder roared and shook the earth.

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一连串爆破声震撼山谷。A series of explosions shook the valley.

他还记得怀俄明的冬天给他带来的震撼。He recalls his shock at the Wyoming winter.

没有足够的震撼,只是一个短暂的刺痛感。Not enough for a shock, just a brief tingle.

一连串爆破声震撼山谷。Boom! A series of explosions shook the valley.

让中国震撼世界,永创辉煌。Let China shakes the world, brilliant forever.

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最震撼的可能就是背景图片了。Perhaps most striking is the background image.

那时候读报纸是一种开眼界的震撼时刻。Reading newspapers back then was an eye-opener.

我被雷倒了,王老师的话太震撼了。The words Mr Wang said are just a quake for me.

首先,真他妈的酷,我被小震撼了一把。At first it looked cool and I was really pumped.

大地震深深震撼了中国人民的心。The big earthquake shaked Chinese's heart deeply.

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当然,我们所做的确实在某种程度上令整个地球为之震撼。Except that what we did was kind of earth-shaking.

忘了吉他吧,震撼你的是小提琴!Forget the guitar. The violin is what really rocks.

令他震撼的是这些人的平凡无奇。What chilled him was the ordinariness of these men.