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我伤透了脑筋。I beat my brains.

我知道你在动什么歪脑筋。I see what you are up to.

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开动脑筋,为剧本想些点子。Brainstorm ideas for the script.

我几乎可以看到吉夫的脑筋在转。I can see Giff’s wheels turning.

他一点脑筋都没有。He hasnt got any brains whatever.

我应该检查一下我的脑筋了。I ought to have my head examined.

脑筋是易于僵化的。It is easy for the mind to ossify.

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这个难题让我大费脑筋。The difficult question tasked my brain.

史坦利的脑筋要比布朗灵得多了。Stanley had more on the ball than Brown.

还是对什么问题是脑筋急转弯?Still boggled as to what the problem is?

詹姆斯,多用脑筋并且工作勤快些吧!James, use your head and work harder! str2

当一个公主或许简单,但是养一个公主可就费脑筋了。But raising one takes a whole lot of brains.

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说闲话的人真是旧脑筋!The gossipers really are a bunch of old fogies!

你喜欢脑筋急转弯和类似的秘题么?Do you like 'brain teasers' and similar puzzles?

随后这两组学生要再做一次脑筋急转弯测试。Then both groups took the brain-teaser test again.

这不仅仅是能难住你的脑筋急转弯。It's not just the brainteasers that will stump you.

麦奇脑子里在想什么从来不需要我费脑筋去琢磨。I never have to figure out what's on Munchie's mind.

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下课之前,我想留一个脑筋急转弯。I want to leave you with what I call a brain teaser.

只有那些脑筋旧的人才认为她说的笑话令人吃惊。Only the stuffier members were shocked by her jokes.

这个困难促使我开动脑筋去寻找答案。This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer.