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理想中赏心称意的一天是怎样的?Your idea of a perfect day?

这恼人的天气使我感到不称意。This miserable weather chesses me off.

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人生在世不称意,明朝散发弄扁舟。A life without their satisfaction, get boat Ming distributed.

按个人喜好选出称意的设计系列。Choose a design line according to your own particular preferences.

来自中国气象局的首席科学家张称意老师将和大家分享他对于这些问题的回答。Zhang Chengyi, the Chief Scientist of the China Meteorological Administration, will share his view on these questions and more.

中国气象局国家气候中心气候变化研究室研究员张称意对该行动方案表示欢迎。Zhang Chengyi, a leading scientist at the National Climate Centre, part of the China Meteorology Administration — welcomes the move.

社会符号学认为翻译就是翻译意义,包括指称意义,言内意义和语用意义。According to socio-semiotics, translation is translating meaning which includes designative meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning.

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上赛季,他被租至巴里队,而最近有流言称意乙球会仍然对他感兴趣,希望再租借他半年。Last season, he was on-loan at Bari and recently rumours suggested that the Serie B club were interested in acquiring his services for another six months.

厦门位于中国东南部福建省,名称意寓「华厦门户」,这个繁盛的贸易港口,也是中国发展得最快的经济特区之一。Xiamen which literally means 'Gate of China' is a flourishing trade port and a leading special economic zone located in the Fujian province of South-East China.

中国气象局国家气候中心的张称意研究员起初对这一工具有些怀疑,但是他表示,这一工作对碳排放具有重大影响。Though initially sceptical, Zhang Chengyi, of the Beijing Climate Centre under China Meteorology Administration, says the work could have huge impacts on carbon emissions.

指称意指语言形式在显示的物质世界中所指的事物,它涉及的是语言成分和非语言的经验世界之间的关系。Refrence means what a linguistic form refers to in the real physical world. It deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic word of experience.

中国气象局国家气候中心的首席科学家张称意说,这项研究为分析全球碳循环提供了新的视角。Zhang Chengyi, a leading scientist at the China Meteorology Administration's National Climate Centre, says the study has offered an interesting new angle on analyses of the global carbon cycling.