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细细聆听你耳旁的这个世界。Listen to the world around you.

我们必须细细察看并做出评价。We must scrutinize and evaluate.

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袭人风细细,远烟浮。The wind careful, far smoke float.

嘴巴宽宽而脖子细细。Its mouth is wide, its neck is narra.

吹得嫩蕊细细开,杨柳绵软摆。Blown thin buds open, willow foam placed.

多年来,大家都没有细细地品味。So many have not learnt in so many years.

他挠着头细细考虑了一番。He scratched his head and thought it over.

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她先用粗针脚缝上袖子,然后再细细缝好。She tacked the sleeves on and sew them up.

我细细地倾听、品味着她的话。I examined them to listen, taste her words.

愿一读再读,细细把玩,趣味无穷。Reading to a reading of detail futzing, fun.

茱萸是一种草,它细细长长的,又是绿油油的。Dogwood dis a grass, it be long, it is green.

抓住你生命中的每分每秒,细细品味。Seize every second of your life and savor it.

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因为牙齿痛,我无法细细地咀嚼东西。Because of a bad toothache, I can't chew well.

接受这种经历,细细品味,永远都不会晚。It's never too late to accept this and live it.

让我细细思量后再决定吧。Let me consider the matter well before deciding.

“处女”味很清爽,有点细细粉粉的感觉,同时又甜蜜而诱人。It was powdery and clean, yet seductive and sweet.

他用迁就的眼光细细地端详了她一下。He gave her a critical and condescending look-over.

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她慢慢蹲下来,靠着热水汀来细细聆听。She crouched down beside the heating vent to listen.

包饺子前,我把瘦肉细细剁碎。I minced the lean meat finely before making dumplings.

对于你来说,世界就像是可口的扇贝肉,细细品尝便知它的味美。The world is your beautiful oyster meant to be enjoyed.