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他作弊.He cheated.

相反,我作弊了。Instead, I cheated.

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他玩牌总是作弊。He always cheats at cards.

我诚实无欺,不在测试及考试中作弊。I will not cheat in exams.

你在税务上作弊否?Do you cheat on your taxes?

不能作弊,你们知道的。No cheating! You know this.

想都别想作弊的事。Don't even think of cheating.

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他因作弊而受到笞杖抽打。He got the cane for cheating.

但是我并没有作弊!But I am done not have cogged!

我可以举报作弊者吗?Can i report cheaters somehow?

这些可能导致作弊。These maybes lead to cheating.

这些找出导致作弊。These maybes lead to cheating.

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你考试的时候为什么作弊?Why did you cheat in the exam?

递补选举看起来作弊了。The by-elections seemed rigged.

为什么呢?它认为你在作弊!Why? It thinks you are in cogged !

我们已经在多个作弊软件上试验过C-D。We have tested many cheats with C-D.

作弊会违背自已良心吗?Cheat can breach oneself's conscience?

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考试题保密以防作弊。Make sure the exam is secure to cheat.

反作弊制修改器会有改进的措施吗?Were the anti-cheat-measures improved?

中国非常重视作弊现象。China takes the cheating very seriously.