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鼓出一大口气,将其吹回各自府第。Plumping up a mouseful air, sending them to where they came from.

她不断地夸奖园林和府第的美丽,让他高兴。She dilated on the beauty of the park and the Hall to gratify him.

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她下了决心无论如何不回莱伊府第。She was determined under no circumstances to return to Court Leys.

莱伊府第房子前面的榆树开始长出嫩叶。The elm trees before Court Leys were beginning to burst into leaf.

菲茨比尔斯走到俯瞰着那座庄园府第的峡谷边缘。Fitzpiers reached the edge of the glen overlooking the manor-house.

一个房间被装饰成中世纪城堡的府第。One of the rooms was got up to represent the hall of a mediaeval castle.

他走出斯卡拉府第大门的时候,离太阳落山还有半个小时。It still wanted half an hour of sunset as he left the door of the Scala palace.

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可惜,狮子林的游览也不过两个小时,接着去了太平天国忠王李秀成的府第。Unfortunately, the lion forest tour but also two hours, then went to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom on the Li Xiucheng mansion.

孔俯是孔子嫡系长子世代居住的府第,俯里保存着1534至1948年间的9000多卷文书,以及许多文化遗产、古衣冠、器皿。The mansion holds more than 9000 volumes of archives dated from 1534 to 1948 and many cultural relics, ancient costumes, and utensils.

呼和浩特清公主府第,位于内蒙古自治区首府呼和浩特市,是全国第五批重点文物保护单位之一。Huhhot Qing Dynasty princess mansion lies in Hohhot city of Inner Mogolia, which is issued one of important historic building in China.

黄昏,皇叔府第内,阿尔泰躺在卧椅假寐看似是闭眼养神,其实正在沉思奸计。Dusk, royal uncle in the mansion, aertai lie in lie chair catnap seemingly is close their eyes resting, in fact GanJi was lost in thought.

该建筑是清康熙帝为其第六女和硕恪靖公主在清代归化城营建的府第,属于郡王府等级。It was been build for the 6th daughter of Kangxi emperor in the Gui Hua city of Qing Dynasty, building standard was equal to the marquis mansion.

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马丕瑶府第位于古都安阳,是我省现存规模最大的清代官僚宅第,也是河南四合院居住建筑的典型代表之一。Ma Piyao mansion, which is located in An Yang city, is the largest Bureaucrat mansion extant in Henan Province, and is also one of the typical dwelling Chinese Portico.

本比赛的第9局的2500个参加者可以选择8或18公里的参赛。府第、城堡、葡萄园的小路和酒窖就是本比赛的风景。For this 9th edition, the 2500 participants could choose a 8km or 18km race across the appellation area. Mansions, châteaux, vineyard paths and cellars were part of the setting.

通山县大路乡吴田村畈上王自然湾,是清末知县王明通山大夫第璠的府第,是湖北省现存的明清建筑中规模最大的古民居民宅。In Wutian village, Dalu town, Tongshan county, there is an ancient residential houses which is the existing largest Ming and Qing residential house, it was one the house of magistrate of Yun county.