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营利事业登记证。Profit-making business registration.

应付未付之营利事业所得税。Income tax payable of the business which has not yet been paid.

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因为学校不以营利为目的,所以学校的收费也最合理。Since GCS is a non-profit school, our tuition is very reasonable.

营利部门受到市场和资本主义规则的控制。The laws of markets and capitalism already govern the for-profit sector.

产权交易市场是不以营利为目的的事业单位法人。A property rights trading market is a not-for-profit institution corporation.

卡罗尔·诺顿是非营利机构“目标成就社区”的工作人员。Carol Naughton works for a non-profit group called Purpose Built Communities.

但是非营利组织在发展过程中存在着缺陷和负面的影响。However, there are some defects and negative effects in the development of NPO.

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在过去三年,公司营利每个季度都在不断增长。And your revenues have been increasing quarter for quarter for the last three years.

是的,政府创造了这些企业,但他们也属于私营,and,yet,they’,营利的机构。Yes, The government created these organizations re private, profit making institutions.

在旧产品上使用软件即服务营利模式是简单的ASP模式,这非常可怕。Putting SaaS financing on an old product is simply the ASP model and that is terrible economics.

我解释说我们是非营利杂志,所以我不能支付回寄和其他费用。I explained that we're a non-profit magazine, so I couldn't afford to pay for returns and what-not.

二非以营利为目的之事业、机关、团体、组织,有销售货物或劳务者。A nonprofit-seeking enterprise, institution, organization or association which sells goods or services.

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中国的市场化改革,正在导致政府的逐利特征。政府就象一个营利的公司。The profit-driven nature begins to show in the process of marketization. The government like a company.

此外,土著传媒往往感到难以同以营利为动力的大众传媒竞争。In addition, indigenous media projects often find it difficult to compete with profit-driven mass media.

虽然如此,许多银行为了淘汰过去的营利要素,还是有任务要寻找一组斩新的营利要素。That still leaves many banks with the task of finding a new set of profit drivers to replace the old ones.

第六条社会力量举办教育机构,不得以营利为目的。Article 6 Profit-making must not be the aim in the running of educational institutions with social resources.

去年,劳工部采取行动颁布了6点标准,营利机构提供的实习机会必须满足这几点标准才算符合劳动法的规定。Last year, it moved to issue a six-point test that for-profit internships must pass to comply with labor laws.

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汤姆相信“为钱而挣钱”,他的许多老同学都认为他的把自己卖给了营利主义。Many of his classmates thought that Tom, who believe in"money for money's sake", had sold out to commercialism.

非营利组织的营利问题是指非营利组织对其非营利性原则的背离。The profiteering problem of non-profit organizations refers to that the NPO deviate their non-profit principle.

营利公司可以帮助我们帮助他人允许八十二设计到他们的下一个设计项目。For-Profit Companies can help us help others by allowing Eighty Two Design to take on their next design project.