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说话不留余地。Spare no pains to speak.

你就不留余地地忘掉我。You did not keep the leeway to forget me.

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没有,那老板在面试时不留余地数落我。No, the boss shot me down in the interview.

在争论这问题上不留余地。There is no any room for argument on that point.

军政府将不留余地务必努力赢得选举。The junta will leave no stones unturned to win the elections.

如果有天我死了,你就不留余地地忘掉我。If had the day I to die, you did not keep the leeway to forget me.

虽然你需要给失败留余地,但你不应该只是失败。Though you need to make room for failure, you shouldn't just fail.

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我是一个话语尖酸刻薄的女子,我习惯了给人不留余地。I am a discourse mordant woman, I used to give a person leave no room for negotiation.

因此,中国经济越是需要一个更宽松的宏观经济政策,各相关当局为经济所留余地将越是宽泛。Thus the more the economy needs looser macroeconomic policy, the more scope the authorities will have to provide it.

得低于多少等,让人感到征婚者手中有一把精确的尺子,丝毫不留余地,这往往会引人。How much lower than, let a person feel ZhengHunZhe hands is a precise ruler, but there is no, this often effectively.

就是为了确定加油站的人没有跟我耍把戏,我们知道规则并且遵守规则,我们从来不给我们可能没想象过的事情留余地,我们过快的就把门关上了。We know the rules and we follow them, and we never make room for things we might not have imagined. We close the door too soon.

在处世态度方面,主观、武断而不留余地,自我中心,固执己见等都不符合中庸之道。In the attitude of respect, subjective, arbitrary and not aggressive, self-centered, stubborn, etc. do not meet a middle ground.

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民主党在野时,她的风格就是不留余地的妖魔化共和党的提案,的确很有效。When the Democrats were in opposition, her style was to demonise Republican proposals without offering an alternative. It worked.