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土方工程在几小时内就完成了。The earthwork was cast up in a few hours.

我公司是一家以做土方工程的公司!Our company is an earthwork to do business!

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用于土方搬运机械的燃料运输泵。Fuel transfer pumps for earth-moving machines.

土方量计算有多种算法。There are many algorithms of earthwork calculation.

这项工程要挖40万土方。This project involved 400000 cubic metres of earthwork.

土方工程包罗土方的发掘和换填。This includes excavation and the placement of earth fill.

但他们似乎自然是一个巨大的土方工作。They appear natural yet it was a tremendous earthmoving exercise.

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包括利用它的水生生态系统和现有土方。Including the use of its aquatic ecosystems and the existing earth.

方格网法是工程土方量计算中应用最为普遍的一种方法。Square grid is a common method used to estimate earthwork quantity.

中方愿积极协助土方建立孔子学院。China stands ready to help Turkmenistan establish Confucius institutes.

不牢固的土方将可能掉入开挖区内并伤及工人。Unstable soil with potential to fall into excavations and injure workers.

“所需的充填物料”,是专指土方吗?Does "Filling Material Requirement" specifically refer to earth materials.

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结果表明,这两种方法在各自适用范围内计算土方量是可行的。The results show that each method is feasible in respective applicable domain.

替换废弃的土方,填进一个坑,沟,或结构。The replacement of excavated earth into a pit or trench or against a structure.

温总理同土方领导人深入交谈,达成广泛共识。Premier Wen held in-depth talks and reached wide consensus with Turkish leaders.

土方愿继续积极与中方发展友好合作关系。Turkmenistan expects to continue to develop the friendly cooperation with China.

在旧的邦联土方工程后面几百码的地方是一座木头小山。A few hundred yards to the rear of the old Confederate earthworks is a wooded hill.

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此群是V社土方岁三的相片组群,欢迎加入并上传你的照片!The group is for Hijikata Toshizou, a Volks SD. Welcome to join and post the photos!

中方愿与土方携手努力,推动双边关系不断向前发展。China is willing to make joint efforts with Turkey to move forward bilateral relations.

土方巽是一个战后萌芽的艺术家,打碎了传统舞蹈的框架。Tatsumi Hijikata was a seminal postwar artist who shattered traditional dance framework.