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他们连分局协议书都签好了。They have signed a separation agreement.

表格发到我们的所有分局。Forms have gone out to all our sub-offices.

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他们工作在物分局庙。They were working in the Temple of Mut Precinct.

“扒手”被硬拖进警察分局。The pickpocket was haled into the police station.

在想象中,他已经感觉到警察分局的舒适和温暖了。Already he imagined he could feel the cosy warmth of the station-house.

地籍调查工作由邗江区国土管理分局委托。Cadastral survey by the Hanjiang commissioned by the Land Management Bureau.

目前,胡某已被该县城区分局治安拘留。Currently, Humou has been detained by the security branch of the county town.

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被羁押人员在岛内所有分局均可要求这种援助。Detained persons may request such assistance in all of the island's subbureaus.

深泽县公安局城区分局日前成功捣毁一赌博窝点。Shenze Public Security Bureau has successfully destroyed a city of gambling dens.

该设施还将包含一个小警察分局和行政办公室。The facility will also contain a small police substation and administrative offices.

无管房单位的弃管房屋由各国土房屋分局负责。Housing units without control of the management of housing land by the Housing Bureau.

确认该保护分局分布有鸡形目13种,隶属2科13属。The result confirmed there distributing 13 species, belonging to 13 genera and 2 families.

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粮食林分局提醒,不可把维他命丸作为健康饮食的替代物。The Food Standards Agency has warned that taking pills is no substitute for a healthy diet.

我是一个听起来像个妇女的13岁男孩,还刚刚发觉我父母分局了。I'm a 13-year-old boy who sounds like a woman and just learned that my parents are separating.

这是砀山县公路分局在一次执法过程中拍摄的照片。This is the Dangshan County Highway in a law enforcement branch of the process of photographs.

50个警察分局——岛内158个警察分局中的1/3——正在执行该专案。Fifty police subbureaus, one-third of the island's 158 subbureaus, were implementing the program.

梅森使用卫星监视了分局这幢建筑,看到杰克和彭蒂科夫离开分局的画面。Mason uses satellite surveillance of the building to see Jack and Penticoff leaving the building.

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在侦查过程中,市局相关领导亲自坐镇玄武分局指挥。In the course of the investigation, the PUC charge related to the leadership of basaltic sub-command.

昨天傍晚,符某被市公安局江南分局江南派出所民警抓获。Yesterday evening, at a branch of the City Public Security Bureau Jiangnan Jiangnan policemen arrested.

尼娜正在跟西雅图分局的比尔·布坎南开视频会议。"Nina's in the middle of a video conference with Bill Buchanan from the Seattle office, " Tony replied.