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在人生征途的露宿营地。In the bivouac of Life.

现在征途好多区都合过了,你是因为这样才找不到吗?I am a good person, how do I not right for you?

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大雁南飞,征途茫茫,是什么在支撑着它?What supports wild geese flying all the way to the south?

我们的征途中从来没有不劳而获或小富即安。Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less.

这也是我的事业为何没走过捷径而是一条绕了大弯子的漫漫征途的原因。That's why I have taken a long detour instead of taking shortcuts.

走在新世纪的征途上,我感慨万千。Walking in the new century journey, I filled with a thousand regrets.

让一切争辨和倾轧休止,登上赴圣地的征途吧!Let all argue and rest on the rivalries, the journey to the holy land!

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杀机四伏的征途,举动越接近尾声,实情越令人震动!Acient hostile action journey, the more close, the more shocking truth!

尽管朋友们都竭力劝阻,他还是再一次踏上了征途。He set off once more in spite of his friends' attempts to dissuade him.

周村开埠后,城市商业开始了近代化的历史征途。After being opened, Zhoucun's commerce started its way of modernization.

一个基督徒的带领者是一个知道方向,指引方向,并踏上征途的人。A Christian leader is one who knows the way shows the way and goes the way.

在这道路坎坷、征途艰险的时刻,甘言谀词不能解救我们。The smoothness of flattery cannot save us, in this rugged and awful crisis.

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征途中我们一次又一次被提起自己作为北大学生的身份。It was a journey where we were reminded of our Beida identity again and again.

尽管如此,它所需要的仅仅是一位会督促你回到你的征途上的朋友。Still, all it takes is one friend to bust you and you just might get back on track.

当然,征途那样的烧钱游戏,咱们一定要保持清醒头脑,远离吧。Of course, the journey that burn money game, we must keep clear-headed, away from it.

岁月,已经是那样古老了。古老得就像茶马古道上的漫漫征途。Ages, have been such crusted . Likes a boundless journey on Tea-Horse ancient roadway.

征途怀旧网通神州争霸赵国大还丹、灵玉露便宜卖?Nostalgic journey of Shenzhou hegemony Netcom large also Dan Zhao, Ling Yulu cheap sell?

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他身高2.06,司职后卫,在中国队挺进4分之一决赛的征途上功不可没。The 2.06m point guard played a key role in China's advance to the Olympic quarterfinals.

当你听到大象的行进时的地动山摇和臼炮碾地声音的时候,土耳其人正在他们的征途上。When you hear the elephants stomping and the bombards popping the Turks are on their way.

如果征途漫漫,坎坷不平,是爱情为我们导航,像指路的明星。If the road ahead is not so easy , our love will lead the way of us , like a guiding star.