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老两口的脸在短暂的霓虹中微微闪光。The two old people shimmered in brief rainbows.

另外,相信我,霓虹蓝不适合墙壁。P.S. Neon blue is not meant for walls. Trust me.

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我怎么能做这个计算使用霓虹内联函数?How can I do this computation using NEON intrinsics?

人们向着自己制造的霓虹上帝屈身祈祷。And the people bow &prayed. To the neon God they made.

质量是霓虹珠片的生命和尊严。Quality is the heart's blood and the dignity of RAINBOW SEQUIN.

你可以在做霓虹招牌或者在黑暗中发光的物体时用到。You could use this for a neon sign or a glow-in-the-dark object.

这城市的霓虹与我无关,明天,我又将上路。Your city lights are shining untill tomorrow, and I will not be here.

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人们在饱餐一袭霓虹之后,有多少恶梦,呓语中有几分安稳与从容?People in a raid neon, how many nightmares, raving somewhat stable and calm?

当火车开入这座陌生的城市,那是从来就没有见过的霓虹。When the train enters this strange city, that is always on has not seen the neon.

仅有多彩的霓虹和有趣的电视广告还不够,女招待需穿着特别的制服,还有许多大大的镜子和明亮的色彩。Colourful lights and TV advertisements are not enough. The waitresses wear special uniforms.

上海乍一看来,是一个充满霓虹,节奏疯狂,并且到处是摩天大楼的城市。Shanghai is, at first sight, a city of glaring neon lights , frenetic pace and sky- scrapers.

城市里是看不见星星的,不知是灰霾太重遮蔽了星空,还是霓虹太闪掩盖了星光?One cannot see stars in cities, either because there is too much dust or too many neon lights.

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在闹市,霓虹被一个逝去的时代所珍重,现在已经尘埃沉沉地在储存在一个名为霓虹赌场里。Downtown, neon treasures from a bygone era were stored in a dusty field called the Neon Boneyard.

夜晚,树从底部被照亮,霓虹的粉色浪花,映衬着靛蓝的天空。In the evening, the trees are illuminated from below, making neon pink froth against an indigo sky.

某些内行人经常喜欢喂养产卵型观赏鱼,像天使鱼、斑纹鱼、和霓虹脂鲤。Some hobbyists often turn to egg-laying types like the angel-fish, the striped zebras, and the neons.

某些内行人常常喜欢喂养产卵型观赏鱼,像天使鱼、斑纹鱼、和霓虹脂鲤。Some hobbyists often turn to egg-laying types like the angel-fish, the striped zebras, and the neons.

我们在里面冷凝了氖气,你可以想象霓虹光作为最亮的一种光是什么样的。And in them we had frozen neon. You can imagine what neon, one of the brightest—talk about a form of light.

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发射光色即使在黑暗中也会照射出来。你可以在做霓虹招牌或者在黑暗中发光的物体时用到。Emissive color is given off even in darkness. You could use this for a neon sign or a glow-in-the-dark object.

当火车开入这座陌生的城市,那是从来就没有见过的霓虹。Let me try translating the lyrics I see beautiful lights that I've ever seen, when the train entered the city.

黑夜的秋雨还在淅淅沥沥地下着,在五颜六色的霓虹映衬下,散发着让人迷失的魅力。The rain is still intermittent underground, in be riotous with colour neon Burwell, exudes people lost the charm.