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这次差不多平分秋色了So we're roughly splitting the room.

副队长说,双方都踢得平分秋色。"It was a decent enough draw, " said the vice-captain.

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如果没有那粒进球,两支米兰球队将平分秋色。Without that goal the two Milanese teams would be tied.

两个系统中的OpenSSL性能平分秋色。The OpenSSL performance was identical between the two systems.

好,看来两种情况平分秋色,这很有意思Okay it looks like about a fairly even split which is interesting.

缩小时空间和时间平分秋色,与洛伦兹对称相一致。Zoom out and space and time play equal parts, in line with Lorentz symmetry.

这个进球队西汉姆是个大的打击,他们在很长时间里和红魔平分秋色。The goal was harsh on West Ham, who were the Red Devils' equals for long periods.

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官员们报告说,共和党人和民主党人在科罗拉多州的提前选举中,平分秋色。Officials report that early voting in Colorado is about even between Republicans and Democrats.

现在他在两个盖洛普民调中都领先,在另外两个全国民调中,则与奥巴马平分秋色。McCain now leads in two Gallup polls, and is tied with Senator Obama in two other national surveys.

红海是埃及潜水之旅的首选,紧随其后的地中海与之平分秋色,同样令人心驰神往。The red sea is Egypt diving trip first, followed by the Mediterranean and equal shares, same empathy.

同时,民主党党团议会选举中希拉里?克林顿和巴拉克?奥巴马平分秋色。Meanwhile, Democrats share the stage here as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama vie for a caucus victory.

2002年,俄国队和加拿大队平分秋色,因“裁判门”事件,俄国起先胜出,后加拿大队被重新打分,才得以结缘冠军宝座。In 2002, dual gold medals were handed out to the Russian and the Canadian teams because of a judging scandal.

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当我们问选民,奥巴马总统是否值得连任时,选民的正反意见平分秋色。When we asked voters whether he deserves a second term, the voters split right down the middle, ” Brown said.

科南特时期,通识教育与专业教育在大学课程设置中平分秋色。The Conant time, general education and professional education in the college course establishes shares half and half.

柏格森哲学曾在世界范围内具有广泛的影响,但是,即使在柏格森哲学的鼎盛时期,批评他的人和称赞他的人也至少平分秋色。Although it has widespread influences all over the world, Bergson's philosophy is as much criticized aspraised even in its heyday.

随着“文”的地位的提高,文学批评的完善,“史”与“文”始平分秋色。With the rising status of literature and the development of literary criticism, the positions of history and literature were balanced.

其中投资超亿元的项目有9个,外资和民营企业在其中平分秋色。Among all the 20 projects, 9 of them invested above 100 million Yuan, in which foreign funded and privately funded enterprises have equal shares.

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奥巴马几乎在所有族群中获胜,包括克林顿的最坚强的支持阵营,包括妇女选民,克林顿和奥巴马在妇女选民中平分秋色。Obama won in almost every demographic group, cutting into her strongest blocs of support, including women voters, which split about evenly between the two candidates.

漫步市中心,可见典雅的维多利亚式和爱德华式拱廊商场,小巧玲珑的精品屋和特色商店与现代化商厦和高档商业街平分秋色。Elegant Victorian and Edwardian arcades, small boutiques and speciality shops sit alongside modern malls and high street names – all in the pedestrianised city centre.

希拉里仅以微弱优势在人群中暂时领先,他们对于她、奥巴马和表示不参加竞选的戈尔的支持平分秋色。Clinton has only a slender lead among men, who are splitting their allegiances about evenly among her, Obama and former vice-president AL Gore, who has not said he will run.