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陆梅没有直接和秦天罡分开,而是跑向实行室,那边还有小野。Instead of directly from qin plough, Liu Mei ran to the room, there are little baby.

然则在转移物资之前,还有更主要的事,那就是和秦天罡、小满。But before the transfer of goods, there is a major thing, that is and qin plough, grain full.

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秦天罡等人恰是应用这个机遇,将药品转移到依据地。Qin plough and others just apply this opportunity, will shift the drugs on the basis of land.

秦天罡驾车猛的冲出哨卡,伪军无法阻拦,眼睁睁看车开远了。Qin highest day driving fiercely rushed out of the hut, ana cannot stop, only a car drive away.

沈桦和秦天罡则制订了一系列后续战术,以应敌手段高明的川崎!Shen Hua and qin plough to formulate a series of subsequent tactics to shut it means brillant kawasaki!

秦天罡给突击队全体开了一次会,他振奋人心的话语让每个队员都意气风发,等待着新的动身。Qin plough gave commandos all at a time, his inspiring words let every player high-spirited, waiting for the new start.

秦天罡保护队员撤离,引开三浦,二丫在撤离时,发现被埋在土石下,岌岌可危的小满。Qin plough to protect players leave, away miura, two ya in evacuation, found buried under the stone, grain full in jeopardy.

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秦天罡开着卡车,坚决果断的冲进了砍木场,福叔带着护场队的人开枪阻击,二人回击。Qin highest day driving a truck, decisive cut wood rushed into the field, the uncle with shield team who shot, two people back.

而秦天罡等人在声势浩大收了几回药后,并没有消声匿迹,又将东兴县内一家由日自己创办的明和药房引爆。And qin plough and others after the fanfare accepted a few back to medicine, no absence, and large county established by day and pharmacies to detonate.

大豆曾经没有了,再不有所举动,此次义务能够得宣告掉败,所以秦天罡提出最终销毁笔记文件,毁坏研讨所的抉择。Soybeans have no, dont move, the obligation to declared off loss, so the qin plough eventually destroy notes file is put forward, destroy discussion by choice.

队员们对沈桦和秦天罡制订的智取军械库计策无不服气有加,可她们也面对着新的窘境,就是要若何转移物资。Players to Shen Hua and qin plough outwit the armory of drawing up the plan is convinced, but they also face the new situation, is intended to transfer material.

东兴县城,关东军司令部特高科办公室内,川崎的手上拿着两份沉甸甸的材料,这是关于沈桦和秦天罡两人的查询申报。Large county, kwantung army headquarters, high-tech office, kawasaki heavy hand holding two material, this is about Shen Hua and qin highest day two people query returns.

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沈桦等四人被日军围困,秦天罡率图丽娅、二丫前来救援,沈桦拼命保护瓣儿,肩头中弹。Shen Hua four people was besieged by the Japanese army, qin plough rate graph lea, two ya to come to the rescue, Shen Hua try very hard to protect the petal, shoulder shot.

周军长万般不舍,简直是被秦天罡推走的,小满也只能随大军队转移,十七将本人的领巾系在小满的脖子上,不曾让他看到本人的一滴泪。Zhou Junchang so dont give up, it was qin plough away, grain full can only transfer with great army, 17 tied my scarf in neck grain full, do not let him see I am a drop of tear.

瓣儿当着世人供认了错误,在秦天罡的教诲下,瓣儿和突击队一切人都有了分明的改良,这支步队的每小我,紧紧的凝集在一同!Petal in front of the world confessed errors, under the instruction of the qin plough, petal and team all have distinct improvement, this step team every the ego, tightly agglutination in together!