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这些气球有民用也。These aerostats have civilian uses, too.

这是一个混合民用军用机场。This is a mixed civilian-military airport.

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一次性乳胶手套,可用于工业、民用。One-off latex glove for industrial or common use.

毛石在工业与民用建筑基础施工中被广泛使用。Stone has been widely used in building foundation.

上海民用飞机大场基地宣告落成。Shanghai builds civil aircraft final assembly base.

日本改用民用飞机运送物资。The material was sent by civilian aircraft instead.

截至2006年底,中国共拥有147个民用机场。By the end of 2006, China had 147 civilian airports.

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民用的主要用于加热器,光波炉。The heater, mainly used for civil light wave furnace.

中国民用航空工业向何处去?Does whereto of industry of Chinese civil aviation go?

ICI同时还看准了民用住宅建设市场。ICI is also targeting the housing construction market.

他在一所工学院主修民用建筑。He majors in civil engineering in a technical institute.

我在攻读民用建筑专业的硕士学位。I am working on a master's degree in civil architecture.

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商办民用企业思想浓重。Mercantilism thought in the civil enterprise was strong.

城市民用建筑内的市民全都得到教化。Citizens in the city's civil buildings are all civilized.

民用忤逆是由定义侵害法律。Civil disobedience is by definition a violation of the law.

第一家有记载的民用服装厂可追溯到1825年。The first recorded civilian clothing factory dates from 1825.

民用机场分为运输机场和通用机场。Civil airports include transport airports and general airports.

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而现在西方人则把民用的人成为“白象”。Now people in the West calk a useless thing "a white elephant".

具有美观要求的民用建筑墙面。Used for walls of civil architecture with artistic requirements.

广泛应用于民用、工用、军用等各领域中。Widely used in civilian , public use , military and other fields.