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去户外母鹿海湾事务部。Ooh go doe bay mwa.

它是近的木头海湾吗?Is it near Wood Bay?

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那海湾真美丽。That's a beautiful bay.

到海湾出口还有1英里。Kestrel 1 mile to bay exit.

这就是所谓的海湾大桥。It is called the Bay Bridge.

风吹过那片蔚蓝海湾。Above the blue and windy sea.

他们把我们用船运过海湾。They boated us across the bay.

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他们用船把我们送过海湾。They boated us across the bay.

碣石湾和红海湾。The Jieshi bay and Honghai Bay.

陆地伸进海湾。The land juts out into the bay.

那船平静地驶过了海湾。The ship glided across the bay.

阳光普照海湾。The sunlight transfused the bay.

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海湾战争何时爆发的?When did the Gulf War break out?

不带女伴的男人在海湾是危险的敌人。A stag at bay is a dangerous foe.

海湾在阳光下闪闪发光。The bay glittered in the sunshine.

月光照射着整个海湾。The moon is raying across the bay.

世界上有许多海湾。There are many gulfs in the world.

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就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay

睡在拜伊海湾的一个石岛的旁边。Beside a pumice isle in Baiaes bay.

在巴亚海湾浮石岛附近。Beside a pumice isle in Baiac's bay.