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方法利用不变子空间方法。Methods Using the invariant subspace method.

因而V的不变子空间都是T的超不变子空间。Thus all the invariant subspaces of V are hyperinvariant for T.

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菌株角变现象在继代培养5-6代后表现明显,而13S8角变子出现的频更高。Sectoring became visible after subculturing for 5-6 generations, more frequently with 13S8.

本文讨论了李群及李群伴随表示不变子空间的性质,文末对李群还引入了一种联络。In this paper, some properties of Lie Group and the adjoint representation of Lie Group are discussed.

第三章讨论了不变子空间、奇异子空间对和收缩子空间对的扰动。In the third chapter, the perturbation of invariant subspace, singular subspaces and deflating subspaces are discussed.

循环不变子空间是常用于控制科学和信号处理理论的重要数学工具之一。Recursive invariant subspace is one of the important mathematic tools used in control science and signal processing theory.

特别对包含在给定子空间H中的最大同时不变子空间给出了新的描述。In particular, a new description of the largest simultaneous invariant subspace contained in a given subspace H is obtained.

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提出一种基于旋转不变子空间的垂直分层空时码及其直接信号检测算法。On the symbol detection of layered space time codes, it is assumed that the perfect channel estimations are available at the receiver.

一个更新操作可改变子表中的一条记录,这样相关父表中不再有一条匹配的记录。An update operation could change a record in a child table such that it no longer has a matching record in the associated parent table.

本文提出了两种处理非均匀或任意形状阵列上相干信号空间谱估计的方法阵列数据变换法和不变子空间旋转法。The problem of bearing estimation of coherent signals impinging on an array of arbitrary geometry is studied. Two methods are developed.

在§2中,利用局部预解式方法证明了自对偶次正常算子必有非平凡的不变子空间。In§2, the existence of non-trivial invariant subspaces for a self-dual subnormal operators is proved by means of the local resolvent method.

算子理论中最重要、最困难也最令人烦恼的未解决问题之一就是不变子空间问题。One of the most important, most difficult, and most exasperating unsolved problems of operator theory is the problem of invariant subspaces.

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用循环不变子空间的性质研究了切换系统的能控性和能观测性。Controllability and observability of switching systems are studied by using the characteristics of recursive invariant subspace in this paper.

取得这样结果的最省力的尝试是引用光谱定理而得到正规算子恒有非平凡不变子空间的结论。The cheapest way to get one is to invoke the spectral theorem and to conclude that normal operators always have non-trivial invariant subspaces.

尝试是引用光谱定理而得到正规算子恒有非平凡不变子空间的结论。The cheapest way to get one is to invoke the spectral theorem and to conclude that normal operators always have non-trivial invariant subspaces.

但由于地震信号具有时变性,因此本文将该反褶积过程中的子波用多尺度时变子波代替。Considering the time-varying nature of seismic signals, we replace the constant wavelet with a multi-scale time-varying wavelet during deconvolution.

通过合理选择联体坐标系与利用奇异摄动理论,得到柔性两杆空间机械臂的慢变子系统与柔性臂快变子系统。Based on singular perturbation approach and choosing appropriate local coordinate frame , a slow subsystem and a flexible-link fast subsystem were obtained.

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本文根据平移不变子空间二尺度分解理论,系统、简结地构造了各类样条多分辨分析。Several types of spline multiresolution analyses are constructed systematically simply based on the general decomposition theory of two-scale shift-invariant subspaces.

首先将同步发电机的数学模型变为奇异摄动非线性系统,然后分别对快变和慢变子系统进行滑模控制设计。Firstly, transform the model of the synchronous generator to the singular perturbation nonlinear system. Then, design the sliding mode controllers for both fast and slow subsystems.

本文中采用奇异摄动方法将双连杆柔性机械臂系统分解为慢变和快变两个子系统,并对慢变子系统采用滑模控制方法设计了控制器。The paper used singular perturbation method to separate the Two-link Flexible Manipulator system into slow sub-system and fast sub-system and designed controller using Sliding Mode Co.