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易位杂合体是半不育的。Inversion heterozygotes are semi-sterile.

这类聚合体被称为热塑材料。These polymers are said to be thermoplastic.

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这些半人的生灵也许是一个女人和一个男人的合体。Semi-human creatures may be a woman and a man.

地球是岩石、水和气体的巨大组合体。The earth is a huge mass of rock, water, and gases.

其实他是没有看清事物、是非为一组合体的实像。In fact he doesn't understand the real image of thing.

这改变当然包括合体的衣着和粉红色的手机。It’s not just her smart clothes and pink mobile phone.

切割体是一种挖切式组合体。An incised solid is a sort of built-up solid chamfered.

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当你合体不同圣堂武士时会发生什么?What happens when you merge different templars together?

中央立体设计,更贴合体型,倍感安心。Safe-Fit design fits closer to you and be better protected.

最后对筘座组合体的改进进行了探讨。Finally, modification of the lathe assembly is discussed about.

随后,这位人机合体的杀手被作为一件礼物献给了杜库伯爵。They then presented their cyborg killer to Count Dooku as a gift.

每年的产量小于100个电池芯,电池和电池组合体的运输。Transport of the low production of cell, battery and battery assembly.

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因此,他们的身份特征是新旧两种文化和传统的一个组合体。Their identity is thus a combination of new and old culture and tradition.

裤子的合体与否主要取决于上裆结构设计。The fitness of pants depends mainly on the structural design of the crotch.

她当今穿的这件衣服非比寻常合体,显出了她身材优美的曲线。What her's dressed in nowadays fits her bad, clarifying her beautiful figer.

我只想说高中就是一座寺院和一个新兵训练营的合体。I have to say that high school is a monastery and an army boot camp combined.

现代大城市正是聚集了这种孤立建筑物的庞大集合体。Modern metropolitans is the very hugeness aggregate of the isolated buildings.

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该聚合体外壳是偏二氯乙烯与丙烯腈的共聚物。The polymeric shell is a copolymer of a vinylidene chloride and acrylonitrile.

接合体在厚厚的细胞壁内形成的具有抗性的有性孢子。Zygospore A resistant sexual spore formed when a zygote develops a thick wall.

在克里特迈锡尼时期,希腊女性穿紧身胸衣以及裁剪缝制合体的裙装。In the Mycenean period, Greek women wore corsets, also a sewn and fitted dress.