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第三,造假从而以假充真。Third, false and true.

从而显得过于武断。They're overdetermined.

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从而到达祛斑效果。To reach the freckle effect.

从而找到受苦的意义。Therefore to find meaning in it.

从而达到一种平衡状态。hey reach a certain equilibrium.

从而取代了捷克斯洛伐克克朗。It replaced the Czechoslovak Crown.

这様能提高经济增长,从而福祉社会。It boosts growth and thus wellbeing.

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从而使他走向了光头青年的道路。So he went to the skinhead youth road.

参加这个新手训练营,从而了解更多内容。Enroll in this boot camp to learn more.

从而,最中实现我共创双赢的美好宿愿。And for realization of a win-win result.

从而他们将知道如何去互相友爱。Thus may they know how to love each other.

因为这样一来,他们有可能更胆大妄为,从而承受更大的风险。They could be more bold and take more risks.

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请让我们知道原因,从而让我们可以做得更好。Let us know why so we can make it even better.

这就允许快速重画从而避免了闪烁。This allows smart-repainting to avoid flicker.

从而提出次髎穴斜刺法。Thus we got oblique needling method of Ciliao.

从而得到了旋进的运动频率。That gives you the frequency of the precession.

从而验证了我们提出的三因素假设。Theresult verified our three-factor hypothesis.

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从而我们就可以得到dx和dz的关系。Well, now we have a relation between dx and dz.

从而月之民下凡到了地上生活。And so, the people of the moon came down to live.

他拯救了公牛队从而避免打成平局。He rescued the Bulls from ending a game on a tie.