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漫水街巷形单踱步。Of walking where the streets are water.

真有更多的法鲁比街巷。There really is more to Faro than winding streets.

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从王公大宅到街巷小户都如是,就连待客也如此。From the large to small streets and so, even to entertain.

这些狭窄的街巷被贵族家庭的高塔遮得暗无天日。The narrow streets were darkened with the high towers of the nobles.

朗艾克剧场里响起与我当年在中国街巷听到一模一样的流行歌曲。The Longacre echoed with the same pop-music I heard while walking China's streets.

信步在古镇青石铺就的街巷中,仿佛走进了明清社会的历史画卷。Walking in the town Qingshi street, as if into the Ming and Qing Dynasties history.

烟幕弹用于开阔地或者街巷的隐蔽。Smoke grenades are used for concealment while moving over open areas such as streets.

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谁的生活,我看不见,我环佩叮当地走在冗老的街巷。Whose life, I can not see, I Huanpei old jingle to walk the streets in the redundant.

那个隐身街巷中的肮脏的面条店就成为了他们在中国的一种标记。The so-dirty-it-must-be-authentic noodle shop hidden on a back street becomes a badge.

提出利用胡同街巷开辟自行车专用道,以实现机非分离、增加城区道路网交通容量的想法。This paper provides an idea to open a bike-path in allays in order to get it mitigated.

本文的目的是以北京市西城区为例,说明如何通过在道路上设置单行线对胡同、街巷路等进行利用。We can use these resources of hutong and alleys in way of setting one way street and bus lane.

淤泥包围了沿河的建筑,并涌进临近的街巷。Mud surrounds several of the buildings near the river’s edge and branches into adjacent streets.

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这片区域的规划突出保护原有的街巷格局和城市肌理。The area of planning highlight the protection of the original pattern of streets and city texture.

我曾在你们的街巷里穿行,我的精神走入你们的屋舍,我的心感应着你们的心跳。In the stillness of the night I have walked in your streets, and my spirit has entered your houses.

古街巷多为沙石铺地,格局保存完整,脉络清晰、景观连续古朴厚重。Ancient streets mostly gravel paving pattern, intact, clear and continuous landscape of ancient heavy.

街头小儿很快学会了这些歌曲,在街巷间奔走传唱,以此博取几文赏钱。Street children soon picked these up and ran around the streets singing them in return for a few coins.

只要政府仍开枪射杀平民,反对派没有人有足够的能力清空街巷。So long as the regime is shooting people, no one in the opposition has enough clout to clear the streets.

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古城如今保存下来的古街巷达61条之多,而古院落更是数以千计,总面积达2.1平方公里。Now the city has over 61 old preserved streets and thousands of old yards, covering 2.1 square kilometers.

清晨还没有光亮,而这纷飞的大雪仿佛一挂神奇的灯笼,摇摇晃晃地照着街巷。The morning was without light, but the snowfall hung and swayed like a marvelous lantern over the streets.

武警亦挨个屋顶移步,以制止原住民聚集平台之上俯瞰街巷。They also moved from rooftop to rooftop to deter residents from gathering on terraces overlooking the alleys.