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没有要搅得我古道热肠烦。Don"t get on my nerves!"

中国人比爱尔兰人更古道热肠?Are the Chinese more generous than the Irish?

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她深爱他的才华横溢和古道热肠。She loved his brilliance and his generous heart.

在我看来,中国人民思想开放,古道热肠,对外国人十分友好。I felt that Chinese are open, warm-hearted and friendly to foreigners.

那天多亏了古道热肠的公交车司机们,他们没有罢工。Thanks to kindhearted bus drivers that day, they did not go on strike.

她善于辞令而且古道热肠,即便对人直言不讳,也看得出是在关心他们。Well spoken and warm, she seems to care about people even when she is being blunt with them.

只有须要的时刻才使用颜色。考虑桌面图标的基本应该是灰的真古道热肠的。Use colors only when necessary. Mind that the base of a launcher icon should be grey and feel solid.

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巧克力战白酒是恋人节最受接待的礼品,研讨表白,那两件礼品也无益于古道热肠净安康。Chocolates and red wine are popular gifts for lovers, and studies have suggested they are also good for the heart.

但在古道热肠理幸福感圆里,他们取已矫正过牙齿的人比拟并出有甚么区分。But there was no difference in their psychological wellbeing when compared to other people who have never had braces.

同事认为他是一个性格开朗,古道热肠的好人,他有时候会扎一条蝴蝶结领带,或穿一条海军裤子来上班。He was known as a cheerful personality around the office with a light-hearted manner. Former colleagues said he sometimes wore a bow tie.

假如你吸烟却又道你不信赖吸烟取收气管徐病、古道热肠净病和肺癌之间存在着某种必定的联络的话,您必然是在掩耳盗铃。If you smoke and you still don't believe that there's a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself.