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火在炉中噼噼啪啪地响。A fire crackled on the hearth.

德鲁斯点着一支雪茄,这支雪茄发出火花,噼噼啪啪地响起来。Druce lit the cigar, which began to spark and crackle.

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空气中已经充斥了轻型武器发出的噼噼啪啪的声音`。Already the air was full of the snap-and-crackle of small arms.

我们加了一些木头,火就噼噼啪啪旺了起来。We threw some logs on the fire, and it burned up with a crackle.

雨点把排气管敲得叮叮当当,把院子顶棚打得噼噼啪啪。Raindrops click jingly on the vent-pipes, beating cracklingly the roof of the yard.

火苗伸展着,向四处扭动着,发出了一种平稳的呼呼声,但却没有噼噼啪啪的爆裂声。Flames elongated , and bent themselves about with a quiet roar, roar'but no crackle.

我异常严肃而平静的坐在地毯上,面前的壁炉在噼噼啪啪的燃烧。I became very solemn and quite calm and sat down on the carpet in front of the blazing fire.

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萧萧秋雨打落了栗子和橡实,噼噼啪啪打在砾石之上,略带奇异。The chestnuts and acorns dropped in showers. And the patter on the gravel was a little weird.

如今当我晚上路过她的房门,听到她噼噼啪啪的打字声,我有了一种完全不同的感受。I had a very different feeling now when I passed her door at night and heard her tapping away.

过了很久,一阵噼噼啪啪,噼噼啪啪的声响后有一些水泥从上面的墙掉下来。At length there was a pitter -patter, pitter -patter, and some bits of mortar fell from the wall above.

现在是早上五点钟,我的脑子像油煎一样噼噼啪啪乱响,我才不猜呢。I am not going to guess, at five o'clock in the morning, with my brains frying and sputtering in my, head.

这段录音,以任何标准来评判都堪称原始,里面满是噼噼啪啪的杂音。It is all but drowned out by the snaps and the crackles and pops of what is by any standard a primitive recording.

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我想起那些和我一样说话噼噼啪啪的朋友们,他们现在都学会了细声细语,凡事不急不躁。I recalled some of my old friends, they were like me before, but they learn to control their temper, they learn to talk slowly and act slowly.

说真的,普瑞斯,只等他们来强占这一带随便哪个农庄,说时迟,那时快,它们马上就会挨到六百枝来复枪噼噼啪啪地朝他们射去。Why, Press, the moment they'd try to jump any of those ranches around here, they have six hundred rifles cracking at them as quick as how-do-you-do.

取暖要先把柴放到床底下,然后点火,柴在床下的炉中发出噼噼啪啪的声音,没一会就有火苗了。Heating the wood first put to bed, and then the ignition, under wood under the bed in the furnace of crackling sound, not issued a moment to have flame.

在他周围噼噼啪啪地闪动着一个发出微微绿光的球体,而在他身后则站着一名身穿黑袍的卓尔男性,口中念念有词,双眼紧闭,双手向外伸出。Around him crackled a sphere of faint greenish light, and over him loomed a black-clad drow male who stood, chanting, with eyes closed and hands outstretched.

雪橇向爱德蒙疾驰而来,铃儿“叮当”“顶当”地响着,小妖“噼噼啪啪”地挥着鞭子,雪向雪橇的四边飞溅,看上去真像一幅美丽的图画。The sledge was a fine sight as it came sweeping towards Edmund with the bells jingling and the dwarf cracking his whip and the snow flying up on each side of it.

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如果你试过像它那样一路飞,脖子下面有一个小号晃来晃去,还有一块石板在风中噼噼啪啪,再有一支石笔在绳子头上一跳一跳,那你就知道这有多么费劲了。If you've ever tried to fly with a trumpet dangling from your neck and a slate flapping in the wind and a chalk pencil bouncing at the end of its string, you know how hard it can be.