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该船正在卸货。The ship is unloading.

让我们现在开始卸货。Let’s begin to unload now.

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货车正在卸货。The truck is disburdening.

那些渔船正在卸货。The fishing boats are unlading.

他们正在从运油驳船卸货。They are unloading an oil barge.

码头工人开始卸货。Dockers started unloading the ship.

你预计什么时候能结束卸货?。When do you expect to finish discharging?

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他被安排去卸货。He was disposed for discharging the cargo.

这条船正在卸货。The ship is being discharged of it's cargo.

正在往驳船里卸货。The cargo is being discharged into lighters.

我们需增派更多的人手使这艘船卸货返航。We need some more men to turn the ship around.

已经卸货八千吨。Eight thousand tons of freight have been landed.

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入货和卸货都是自动操作装置。The feeding and discharge operates automatically.

很多斗式起落机为离心卸货范例。Many bucket elevators are centrifugal discharge type.

上述残损是在营口港卸货造成的。The above damage caused in yingkou during discharging.

飞机在机场附近的机库里装卸货物。The plane was assembled in a hangar next to the airport.

你把卸货所需的时间算进去了吗?Did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo?

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你把卸货所需的时间估计进去了吗?Did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo?

你把卸货所需的时间计算进去了吗?Did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo?

我们愿意把卸货港由东京改为大阪。Wed like to change the unloading port from Tokyo to Osaka.