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该车很有可能是法国失窃车辆。It may well have been stolen in France.

即将发生的皇冠钻石失窃案。The imminentrobbery of the Crown Jewels.

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祁乐问大民有关失窃事件的真相。QiLe asked big people the truth about the theft.

好将能够揭示这次珠宝失窃案。She will shed light on the case of stolen jewels.

玉瓶的失窃引起很大的骚动。The theft of the jade vase caused much excitement.

他给车子保意外险,失窃险和火险。He insured his car against accident, theft, and fire.

在北印度语中,LOOT指在战争或暴乱中失窃的物品。As a Hindi word, loot is an item stolen during war or riot.

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不带钥匙的邮箱锁改善了邮件失窃的情况。The Keyless Locking Mailbox turns the tables on mail thieves.

他的住宅失窃后,他向保险公司提出索取赔偿的要求。When his house was burgled, he made a claim on the insurance.

这辆车与布朗先生失窃的汽车的描述相吻合。This car answers to the description of Mr. Brown's stolen car.

据格里戈维奇的记忆,这次失窃发生在许多年以前。The theft had happened many years ago, according to Gregorovitch.

学校中的失窃现象突然增多令父母深感不安。The sudden increase in thefts in the school disturbed the parents.

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一辆汽车的HLDI失窃分数在100,表示中等失窃数。A car with an HLDI theft loss score of 100 has average theft losses.

王大人,王大人,钱塘县库银失窃之事捂住了吧?Mr Wang, do you keep it a secret about the stolen silver in qiantang?

破晓时分,他们提着偷来的东西回到家里,总能发现自己家也失窃了。They'd get back at dawn, loaded, to find their own house had been robbed.

警方正在调查这家公司办公室里的计算机失窃案。Police are investigating the theft of computers from the company's offices.

在不到半小时间,本世纪最大胆的艺术品失窃案已经结束。In less than half an hour, the most daring art theft of the century is over.

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我父亲患有妄想狂,常感到家里会失窃,所以总是把每扇门都锁上。My father locks every door in the house as he is paranoid about being robbed.

我有一位朋友是个很富有的女士,最近她的公寓失窃了,小。A friend of mine, who is a rich woman, recently had her apartment burglarized.

在年度十大失窃最多汽车排行榜上,90年代中期产的丰田和本田频频出现。Mid-1990 Hondas and Toyotas frequently dominate the yearly top-10 stolen car list.