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经常是只用小写字母。Often in all lowercase letters.

用小写的sigma表示。This will be called lowercase sigma.

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都用小写字母回让人觉得你很懒散。Using all lowercase letters looks lazy.

所有键名被转为小写,而值不会被修改。Keys are lowercased. Values are not modified.

他写最后一个小写字母时很可能还小哼了一曲。Likely his last lower-case ditties for a while.

文本中的小写字母保持不变。Lowercase letters in the text are left unchanged.

属性通常以小写字母开头。Attributes always begin with a lowercase character.

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将原对象的所有小写英文字母转换为大写。Converts this CString object to an uppercase string.

都用小写字母回让人觉得你很懒散。RE SHOUTING. Using all lowercase letters looks lazy.

小写q加个下标2是指电子所带电量。And lower case q sub 2 is the charge on the electron.

必须用小写书写标记和属性名称。Tag and attribute names must be written in lower-case.

所有变量都是单个小写字母。All variables are single character, lower-case letters.

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每一个脚注中注明位子上标小写字母。Indicate each footnote in a table a superscript lowercase letter.

返回一个大写版本的年代,即第一个字符,有大写,其余小写。Return a capitalized version of S, i. e. make the first character.

用于设置的分配活动则以小写字母开头。Assignment activities used for setup begin with a lowercase letter.

大多数的变量名和方法命应以小写字母开头。Most variables and functions should start with a lower case letter.

所有的标签都应该使用小写的形式,XHTML标准要求这样做,因此我们也这样要求。All tags will be done in lower-case . XHTML demands this, and so do I.

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使下一个被输出的字符输出为小写。Causes the next character to be outputted, to be output in lower case.

每一个脚注中注明位子上标小写字母。Indicate each footnote in a table with a superscript lowercase letter.

在活动1a的图片中找到下列小写字母的大写形式。Look at the picture in 1a. Find the big letters for the small letters.