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经济改革和石油开发取得了实绩。Reforms and oil have paid off.

下面是收集片段实绩的步骤Here are the steps to collect section actuals

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为关注的语句收集片段实绩Collect section actuals for statement of interest

这些统计信息称为片段实绩。These statistics are referred to as section actuals.

年度评估的基础是,受评估人员的连续合格工作实绩。Annual evaluation is based upon the continued satisfactory performance of personnel.

但是,也面临著“想像亚洲”和理论研究实绩薄弱等问题,需作进一步系统发展。"imagining Asia" and weak academic achievments, which should be solved systematically in the future.

总结了宝钢十年水质管理工作实绩并提出了新的目标。New goals are set on the basis of summing up the records of water management during the past ten years.

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在研究查询执行计划的问题时,片段解释和片段实绩是非常强大的特性。Section explains and section actuals are very powerful features to investigate problems with a query execution plan.

这其中包括片段数据、值、实绩等,这对于研究一个查询的性能问题是至关重要的。This includes section data, values, actuals, etc, which are crucial during investigating a query performance issues.

他在长达半个世纪的教育实践过程中,给我们留下了丰富的兴教办学实绩和丰厚的理论著述。He left behind abundant achievements in promoting education and running schools, as well as very rich theoretical works.

“九叶诗人”穆旦因其创作实绩深厚而成为中国诗坛上一颗最亮丽的星宿。Mu Dan, a poet of "Nine Leaves", is one of the most brilliant stars in Chinese poetic circle for his great achievements.

主持召开部门管理讨论会,稽查组员的工作实绩。Managing the convention department administer the symposium, and inspect the series work tangible achievements of member.

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本文着重介绍安装在上海闵行发电厂的完善化机组的运行实绩。The paper presents some operation data obtained from an improved 125 MW unit installed in Minhang Power Station, Shanghai.

本论文就列车实绩运行图信息管理系统的设计和实现进行了研究。This thesis is mainly concerned about how to design and realize a new information management system of actual train graph.

正是在这些创作实绩的推动下,解放区大众启蒙文学思潮得以全面深化。It is in these creative performance, driven by the liberated areas to the public deepening of the Enlightenment Literature.

纳兰性德是清代最优秀的词人之一,也是清代有见解有实绩的编辑家之一。Nalan Xingde was one of the best poets and the editors who had both novel views and practical achievements in Qing Dynasty.

它主要介绍求职者的学习经历、工作经历、实绩、个人特点等。It mainly introduces the job hunter's learning experience, work experience, performance, personal characteristics and so on.

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以行业最佳实践确定的目标为基准制订本组织运行、维护和安全实绩目标。Performance objectives for operations, maintenance, and safety are based on objectives established by industry best practice.

虽然她的小说引起的是非、官司不断,但虹影以创作实绩显示了一种“倔强的存在”。Though the dispute and lawsuits caused by her novel are continuous, she still showed a kind of "strong existence" by her works.

最后以某捷运系统之洩波电缆系统为实际案例做为行动通信室内涵盖論证规划设计的參考实绩。Finally, the results of this leakage cable system and practically applied to indoor coverage design for Metro Rapid Transit System.