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发生了饥荒。A famine broke forth.

数千人死于饥荒。Thousands died of famine.

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战争带来死亡和饥荒。War brings death and famine.

动乱,然后是饥荒。Then if convulsion, then famine.

如今,饥荒再次肆虐这个国家。Now famine again stalks the land.

二十来个国家遭受饥荒。Famine plagued a score of nations.

导致1990年代大饥荒的原因?What caused the famines of the 1990s?

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因庄稼歉收饥荒终于发生了。Famine eventuated from the crop failure.

请为饥荒赈款慷慨解囊。Please give generously to famine relief.

每年有许多人在饥荒中死亡。Many people die during famines every year.

饥荒!瘟疫!战争!恶疾!死亡!Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease and Death!

许多人饿死于此次饥荒。Many people starved to death in the famine.

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第三道印是什么?饥荒和贫穷。The third seal is what? Famine and poverty.

洪水泛滥地区到处都出现了饥荒。There is hunger in all the flood-hit areas.

可以确定的是没有饥荒,世界和平。Surely hunger is no more, and peace is planet-wide.

干旱和饥荒将断送促进发展的事业。Development will be devastated by drought and famine.

在非洲,饥荒并非干旱带来的唯一后果。Famine is not the only backwash of drought in africa.

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“在饥荒时期”,是一种煽动性的说法。At a time of famine, it was an inflammatory statement.

自然灾害在各省发生,造成饥荒。Natural disasters caused famines in several provinces.

有一年,齐国发生了特大的饥荒。One year, there was a great famine in the State of Qi.