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而不像人工智能电影那样。It’s not like the movie AI.

我不太想把它称为人工智能,“他说。”"I hesitate to call it AI, " he says.

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您在您的工作中运用到了人工智能吗?How have you used AI in your own work?

案例推理是人工智能的一种新求解方法。Cased-Based Reasoning is a new way in AI.

搔痒娃娃就是分人工智能界的ENIAC始祖计算机。Tickle Me Elmo is the ENIAC of fractional AI.

你怎么看待人工智能?What do you think of artificial intelligence?

当然这是最典型的人工智能。Certainly that's typified most in our AIsystem.

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人工智能不就是对人的智能的模仿么?Q. Isn't AI about simulating human intelligence?

专家系统是古典人工智能的别称。Expert systems are another name for Classical AI.

虽然如此,人工智能在互联网上有一大堆的允诺。Nevertheless, AI has a lot of promise on the Web.

它们确实有项目让你试着建立人工智能,they do have projects where you try constructing it

你认为你已经认出了一个在艾泽拉斯世界到处游荡的人工智能?Think you've spotted an AI wandering across Azeroth?

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我们只是开始在网络上想象人工智能的外表。We've only begun to scratch the surface of AI on the Web.

人工智能从来敌不过天然白痴。No. 5Artificial inteligence is no match for natural stupidity.

从网络的意义上说,人工智能意味着制造智能机器。In the context of the Web, AI means making intelligent machines.

与某些技术一样,并非所有的人工智能都有益处。As with any technology, not all uses of AI will be for the better.

人工智能盟国不会在过程中调用有限战争初期部分。AI will not call in allies during the early parts of a limited war.

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知识表示一直是人工智能研究领域的一个中心课题。Knowledge representation is a basic issue in artificial inteligence.

我们的主要目标,至少我自己最热衷的,是人工智能。So our main goal, at least my own passion is artificial intelligence.

腾讯还涉足人工智能、电动汽车和共享单车领域。It dabbles in artificial intelligence, electric cars and bike sharing.