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让他后悔的是,这个错误让他满盘皆输。To his rue, the error cost him the game.

好则回报高,差则可能满盘皆输。Good returns are high, it may worth worse.

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这样,即使一些投资受了损失,也不致于满盘皆输。Thus, even if some of the investment losses, not worth.

现在正确的一着,是以后满盘皆输的前提。A right move now is the premise of"whole loss" in the future.

与猛兽斗争需要十足的注意力,一招下错,满盘皆输,性命不保。Fighting required complete concentration, one mistake and he was dead.

一步错就将是满盘皆输的局面,我没有承担的力量。One step wrong will be the loser of the situation, I did not take the power.

他们那晚玩了三局,提利昂赢了第一局但是后两局则满盘皆输。They played three games that night. Tyrion won the first, then lost the other two.

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你知道,战斗是一种非生即死的游戏,如果我们这步棋走错,则满盘皆输。You know, combat is a life or death game, and if we get this wrong, the loser dies.

轻抚脸颊可能会误导她,如果实施的不正确更可能满盘皆输。Cheek stroke could be misperceived and a write-off if you don't execute it properly.

但是,如果收入未见增长而储蓄率迅速上升,则会满盘皆输。But if the savings rate rises quickly when incomes are not growing, all bets are off.

没有尽到保护和支持责任可能会导致脆弱的年轻人在人生的关键时期误入歧途,一步走错,满盘皆输。Decisions like this matter, because failing to protect and support vulnerable young people can lead them down the wrong path at a critical moment, the one that can determine all subsequent paths.