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甚至更多的是在赤贫线上挣扎。Even more be struggle on beggarly line.

他的投机使他陷于赤贫。His speculation reduced him to beggary.

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加拉特是这个赤贫省的一个偏远地区。Ziarat is a rural part of an impoverished province.

经过了赤贫之后,我们开始了幸福的生活。Having survived starvation , we're beginning to live happily.

赤贫者和巨富者形成了一个鲜明的对比。There is a sharp contrast between the poorest and the richest.

在陈社会里我们野无衣无食,赤贫如洗。In the old society, our family had no food, no clothes, no nothing?

奶牛对这些赤贫的村庄来说可是生财之道It's a big change in some of these very poor villages to get a cow.

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大部分决策都是关于介于豪富与赤贫之间的次贫地区的。Most decision making falls in the grey area between these two extremes.

然而这种赤贫的状况只会让更多的英雄梦破灭。However this kind of beggarly state can make more heroic dreams undone only.

他们来自赤贫的农村,不知电和手纸为何物。They come from very poor villages where they’ve never seen electricity or toilet paper.

第二次世界大战后,东亚从赤贫一跃而成显富。After the Second World War, East Asia rose from grinding poverty to spectacular prosperity.

她和一个扶轮社员朋友同游印度时,首次亲眼目睹赤贫的惨况。While touring India with a Rotarian friend, she witnessed extreme poverty for the first time.

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其中6亿人属于赤贫,生存问题受到威胁。There are about 600 million people are suffering from beggary , under the threat of surviving.

刘昌强生于1972年,老家在咸安区一个偏僻山村,家境赤贫。Liu Changjiang, born in 1972, his home village in a remote area Haman, his family was destitute.

这酷热、赤贫的国家看起来似乎是世界上最容易被遗忘的地方之一。This sweltering, desperately poor country appears to be one of the world’s most forgotten places.

每天都会有1370人涌入中国的重庆,这些赤贫的人们寻找着各种各样的工作。Each day, 1, 370 people arrive in Chongqing, China, most destitute and looking for any kind of work.

免费配送蚊帐的措施,目前已在几个赤贫国家内成功施行。Gratis distribution of nets is already being applied successfully in several impoverished countries.

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很好的例子就是许多卡达山人都长期面对赤贫的困境,这是不能否认的事实。The good example is the long standing hardcore poor situation of the KDM , and this can not be denied.

其中,巴西的人口是一亿四千万,约有一半人生活在赤贫中。One of them, Brazil, has a population of 140 million, about half of whom are living in absolute poverty.