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这是一门重炮。This is a heavy artillery piece.

那么,藏在后面的是重炮So, held back here the heavy artillery.

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突然之间,我们给重炮覆盖!Suddenly, we were shelled by heavy guns.

重炮小队作为后卫殿后。The HMG platoon was left behind as rearguard.

管弦乐团中的重炮是什么The heavy artillery in the orchestra is what?

敌人用重炮轰击这个地区。The enemy pounded the area with heavy artillery.

重炮对堡垒的墙体不停地轰击。The heavy guns pounded away at the walls of the fort.

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不过,尾随我们的重炮组没有到达。However, the HMG platoon which followed us did not arrived.

重炮海法也将有助于削弱捍卫者。Heavy artillery barrages will also help weaken the defenders.

我们的重炮控制了通往镇上的每一条路。Our heavy artillery covered every possible approach to the town.

上校还想要坦克,重炮还有通讯器材。Bani asked for tanks, heavy artillery and communications and logistics equipment.

所以,你说炮兵像鹰炮和长重炮将能重创攻城象?。Artillery heavily damages most un its, so yeah it will work pretty well against elephants.

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斯科尔斯和鲁尼绝对是。但是球队里还有些重炮手。Scholesy and Wayne are definitely right up there but there are a few big-hitters in the team.

巴克托伊德装甲工厂的装甲突击坦克是一种配备了重炮的可怕设计。Baktoid Armor Workshop's Armored Assault Tank is a fearsome design studded with heavy artillery.

所以,你说炮兵像鹰炮和长重炮将能重创攻城象?。So, are you saying that artillery such as falconets and culverins will heavily damage siege elephants?

有人问我为什么选他,并告诉我选像他那样的重炮手是个大错误。Some people ask me why I picked him, and tell me it's a big mistake to go against a tough puncher like him.

战争开始了,蒋夫人清楚日军海军重炮正在开火,死伤者无数。The war started, madame Chiang clear the Japanese navy is heavy artillery fire, countless dead and wounded.

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韩军拥有近1000辆最先进的现代化坦克,以及1300辆老式的美国坦克,10000门重炮和迫击炮。South Korea has nearly 1,000 state-of-the-art tanks as well as 1,300 older American ones, and 10,000 guns and mortars.

用电话和日光仪与重炮阵地联系,即使日军占领防线的其他部分,这里仍能坚守。Connected by telephone and heliograph to the heavy land batteries, it would hold even if the Japanese took the rest of the line.

缅军使用重炮,无区别轰击,命中附近的一个寺庙,打死四名僧侣。The fighting was reported to have included the use of artillery by the SPDC, and a shell hit a nearby temple, killing four monks.