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全民植树日。National Tree-Planting Day.

我已经通过初级全民英检。I have already passed the basic-level GEPT.

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我们没有全民医疗保障体系。We don't have a national healthcare system.

别幻想她光着身子的样子。全民情敌片尾曲。Don't be wondering what she looks like naked.

看起来“全民偷菜”的时代已经结束了。It seems that the "Farming" age has passed away.

医药界将不会发动全民抵抗。The medical world will wage no civil resistance.

全民饮茶日-今天你喝茶了吗?National Tea-drinking Day Do you enjoy tea today?

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他们的全民消遣就是去蹦迪。Their national distraction is going to the disco.

此事向全民提出了广为关注的问题。The affair raises wider issues of national interest.

我们集体报名考全民英检。We collectively enter our names for taking the GEPT.

我感觉自己像是一个全民公敌。"I feel like I am an enemy of the state, " Guo said.

全民温饱计划还有一种是脚踏式的剥壳机。The FullBellyProject also has a pedal -powered sheller.

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全民动员禁毒防毒创一流文明城市。Be mobilized anti-drug antivirus first-rate civilized city.

人们曾一度以为,通过全民教育。They have for some time thought, by free education for all.

后来的全民大炼钢铁就肇因于此。Later, all the people pumping out steel on the causes of this.

但是我们现在已经能够看到,仅有全民教育是不够的。But we can already see that free education for all is not enough.

举行全民公投和重新协商新条款的风险已经消除.这是有助于增强风险偏好的因素.It takes away the risk of a referendum or renegotiating new terms.

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最后,评论家Kyle认为这确实是一个全民的游戏。In the end, commenter Kyle proposed that it's really anyone's game.

根据1982年颁布的全民义务植树运动规定,每人每年都要种植3至5棵树。By a law enacted in 1982, every Chinese must plant 3-5 trees a year.

希腊官员曾经将逃漏税看做一场“全民运动”,对其并不重视。Greek officials used to shrug off tax evasion as "a national sport".