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为了节省粮食,是一个机会主义者。To save on food , be an opportunist.

人类对于每件事都是机会主义者。Man is an opportunist above anything else.

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在书中结尾处,他给出的结论是,自然是个机会主义者。In the end, he concludes, nature is an opportunist.

小说把主人公描写成一个悲观的机会主义者。The story depicts the hero as a cynical opportunist.

小猎犬狗天生是一位机会主义进食者。Beagles are genetically wired to be opportunistic eaters.

我是个掘金者,在机会主义的土地上挖掘。I'm a gold-digger, burrowing in from the land of opportunists.

但两者都是政治及经济机会主义者的权宜之计。But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.

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然而,有些机会主义者意识到他们这么做是错的但仍要做。Still, many opportunists are aware they're doing something wrong.

那么,所谓的80后等粗疏概念是虚饰性的,乃至文化机会主义式的。So the 80s'conception is the feint and the cultural opportunistic.

如果我现在表达我的悔意,人们会认为我是机会主义者。If I speak now about regrets, people will view me as an opportunist.

而现代这些畅销书则不然,更糟的是,他们看起来是那么的俗气,仅仅是用心理学词汇填充的机会主义而已。Worse, they can seem tacky, opportunistic and filled with psychobabble.

正如我强调的,我们人性中恶的一面来自机会主义与傲慢。As I stressed, our knavishness comes in the form of opportunism, and hubris.

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巴洛特利在成为一名成功的球员后谈到了“机会主义”这个词。Balotelli talked of "opportunism" in the wake of his success as a footballer.

过度自信的高管人员对现金流的利用存在着管理机会主义。Overoptimistic managers have management opportunity action in using of cash flow.

在折腾了半天后,一只机会主义的土狼抓住了猎获物,并快速地溜走了。And after all that trouble, an opportunistic hyena grabs the kill, and scoots off.

谁要是忽视或轻视了这一点,谁就要犯“左”倾机会主义的错误。Whoever overlooks or belittles this point will commit "Left" opportunist mistakes.

除了机会主义,阿塞纳尔说关键指标已经把房屋阳性。Beyond opportunism, Arsenault says key indicators have turned positive for housing.

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在同一时间内,莫雷诺对蔓德尔机会主义的反对被粗略地表达出来。At the same time, Moreno's opposition to Mandel's opportunism was ex-pressed crudely.

我们曾和党内的机会主义倾向作斗争,右的和“左”的。We have struggled against opportunist deviations in our Party, both Right and "Left".

军方的这一政治机会主义倾向至关重要,关乎能否在埃及推行“土耳其模式”。It is this kind of political opportunism that is fatal to a Turkish model on the Nile.