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放电加工机“,”Electric Discharge Machine.

对膈神经放电的影响。C on phrenic nerve discharges.

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这里是个气体放电管。Here is the gas discharge tube.

那让他成为了一个放电的家伙!That makes him a complete winker!

避雷器,放电管,磁簧开关,磁簧继电器。Surge Arrestor, Reed Switch, Reed Relay.

绝大多数纤维都有自发放电。Almost all fibers had spontaneous discharge.

具备完善的过充、过放电保护功能。Protection for overcharge and over discharge.

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一种有低压氖气放电管的灯。A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas.

要确定有留下放电池座的地方。Make sure there's space for the battery holder.

废蓄电池不再放电。The weakened battery was no longer discharging.

这就是气体放电管放电的过程。That is the operation of the gas discharge tube.

实验是在一个气体放电管中进行的。He was doing experiments in a gas discharge tube.

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气体放电中的各种等离子体鞘层。Different kinds of plasma sheaths in gas discharge.

输电线路风偏放电的影响因素研究。Study on windage yaw discharge of transmission line.

使用气体放电法观测到了中子和X射线。Neutrons and X rays are observed using gas-discharge.

静电放电在飞船和云层中形成电弧然后消失。Static discharges arced from ship to clouds and back.

杨津基,气体放电,科学出版社。Yuri P. Raizer, Gas Discharge Physics, Springer-Verlag.

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具有过充及过放电自我保护性能。Has overcharge and over discharge protection performance.

奥巴马在椭圆形办公室的外面专门留了个篮子来放电话。Obama puts a basket for phones outside of the Oval Office.

它可把火花放电频率控制在允许范围内。It may limit the amount of sparkover to an acceptable rate.