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还是柔软似棉凫的绒毛?。Or soft as eiderdown fluff?

小枝披白绒毛。Twigs of white hair dressed.

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一小撮绒毛能变成你的温床A bit of fluff would be your bed

温暖绒毛会让你感觉很好。Warm fuzzies just make you feel good.

他刷去了夹克上的绒毛。He brushed some fluff from his jacket.

一种在干上有向上的绒毛的植物。A row of the hairs fringing the eyelid.

这是一个印有“伦敦2012”字样的绒毛铺毯。These are London 2012 branded keyrings.

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等下又给我看他床头的绒毛玩具。Later he shows me a soft toy on his bed.

他们的颜色及绒毛都各不相同。They can vary in color and in hairiness.

一个三英寸高的蓝色绒毛熊。A plush blue stuffed panther 3 feet high.

这是一个印有“伦敦2012”字样的绒毛铺毯。This is a London 2012 branded duvet cover

他恶狠狠地瞪了她一眼,象一只满身是绒毛的小猫头鹰。He glowered at her like a downy young owl.

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外表面的微绒毛样物质消失。The outer microvilli-like surface disappeared.

绒毛伍兹是一只熊,绒毛伍兹没有毛。Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.

这种小动物每年只能产出非常少量的绒毛。It produces only small amounts of very fine wool.

他就像是世界上最酷的绒毛玩具。He's like the coolest stuffed animal in the world.

酷似绒毛玩具让人想抱在怀里的外表根本就是骗人的。Their resemblance to cuddly toys is a base deceit.

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并发现有呈花样密集排列的微绒毛簇。Flower-like structure is the clusters of microvilli.

菠菜的嫩叶上有一层绒毛,很有趣。Spinach leaves on a layer of hair, very interesting.

许多人认为最好的温暖绒毛物体就是宠物。Many would agree that the best warm fuzzies are pets.