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那个守门员居然笨手笨脚地脱手失掉了球。The wicket-keeper fumbled the ball and dropped it.

如果站起来和脱手是要加罚时间的。If you stand up and get rid of is to add penalty time.

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它的猛烈冲力使他的长矛脱手了,这个临时的火把飞向了天空。Its momentum wrenches it from his hands, and the torch goes

感觉好像用力挥动会很容易脱手飞出去?It feels it's easy to be out of hand when wielding forcibly ?

飞镖暗器之一。亦称脱手镖。是古代战场上常用的一种暗器。A kind of hidden weapons, which are also called darts out of the hand.

要尽快将这些东西脱手,因为你很容易临时改变主意,或者把某些东西有抽出来放回去。It's so easy to change your mind or to start pulling items out of the pile.

你需要在正确时间把握正确趋势,并且知道何时脱手。You need to catch the right wave at the right time and know when to get off.

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不要做可能难于脱手的另类投资或私人合伙投资。Avoid alternative investments and private partnerships that might be hard to sell.

国能不能大规模脱手美国国债、转投美国实体经济中的资产?Could China move out of US Treasurys and into U. S. real economy assets in a big way?

双概况活性剂与36拉脱手段脱毛就是要快一倍。Double active surface with 36 pulling agents means hair removal that is twice as fast.

会上也不乏想要低价买进,脱手一些房,再将买进的出租出去的房东老板们。There were throngs of landlords, too, looking for bargains to buy, clean up and rent out.

这时我们要观察“每个人都能不费力地脱手”这种乐观态度是否改变。We'll see if the "everybody can get out without a problem" optimism is justified this time.

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这个伤病让曼联无法在夏季将安德森脱手。The injury effectively rules out any plans United may have had of selling Anderson in the summer.

大众汽车表示,该业务的企业价值达35.5亿欧元,而这项业务将在2011年之前脱手.The business, with an enterprise value of 3.55 billion euros, will be sold by 2011, Volkswagen said.

长期遭到德国反对的上述方法,将允许希腊脱手一部分可观的债务负担。That approach – long rejected by Germany – would allow Greece to erase part of its sizeable debt burden.

第83分钟,詹姆斯扑救传中球脱手,替补的费尔南德斯打入空门。The first 83 minutes, James dispose of the ball in-fighting , Fernandez into the replacement of Buddhism.

但是因为我们在麻萨诸塞州的旧房子还没有脱手,所以财务上压力很大。But since we still haven't sold our old place back in Massachusetts, it's been a huge financial challenge.

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猎人伸脱手索要那只鸟。“我会杀逝世它的,”他道。“归正鸟立刻便要死了。”The hunter reached out for the bird. "I will have to kill it, " he said. "The bird will soon die anyway. "

由于博物馆的空间问题,将艺术品脱手或者说卖掉已经有了新的重要意义。Deaccessing -- or selling off -- works of art has taken on new importance because of the museum's space problems.

手痛的时候他会脱手冲坠,或者悬吊在空中,不过不到15分钟,他就爬到了这条14b的顶点。He falls and hangs when his hand hurts, but, in less than 15 minutes, Graham has made his way up a possible .14b.