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但是这儿的门卫寸步不让。But the guard stood his ground.

他对他的原则寸步不让。He refused to compromise his principles.

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他决定寸步不让,决不屈服。He decided to hang tough rather than give in.

对这种人必须有外交手腕但又寸步不让。They had to be dealt with diplomatically but firmly.

如果我处在你的位置,我会寸步不让。If I were in your position, I wouldn't give up an inch.

巴基斯坦会寸步不让,其他的地区力量也会效仿。Pakistan will dig in its heels, as will other regional powers.

谈判代表受命在最后两大问题上采取寸步不让的坚定立场。The negotiators have been instructed to dig in their heels on the last two major issues.

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亚当斯在总统亲自和他交谈之前,显然寸步不让。Adams was clearly not going to budge without first talking directly to the president personally.

一九一四年,英国的沃尔特。洛林上校在伊普尔战役之中对德军寸步不让。At the battle of Ypres in 1914, British colonel Walter Loring made no concessions to the Germans.

而且如果要在全国范围内实施这些措施意味着要增收更高的赋税,那么城市居民将会寸步不让。And if implementing such measures nationwide means raising more taxes, urbanites will dig in their heels.

无论何时,当渥太华的联邦政府试图行使它的权力时,加拿大的10个省都坚定地寸步不让。Canada's 10 provinces dig in their heels any time the Federal Government in Ottawa tries to exercise its power.