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一个军衔位于少将之上和大将之下的将官。A general officer ranking above a major general and below a full general.

我不理解他们为什么这么生气,每个人都将官升一级的。I don't understand why they're so upset. Everyone in al-Qaida just got a promotion.

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一个军衔位于准将之上和中将之下的将官。A general officer ranking above a brigadier general and bel ow a lieutenant general.

火车到达一个站时,一位中国骑兵部队的将官走进了我所在的车厢,在我对面坐下来。At a stop along the way, a Chinese cavalry general entered my compartment and seated himself opposite me.

曹操大喜,便和众将官到水寨大船上,向江南岸眺望,只等黄盖的船只到来。Ts'ao Ts'ao was pleased. He boarded a warship with his generals and looked toward the south waiting for the arrival of Huang Kai's fleet.

将官轻描谈写地说了句批评的话,上校就添油加醋地把话说得稍重一些,接着将官就发表了更加尖酸刻薄的评论。The general would make a slight criticism, the colonel would cap it with a stronger one, and the general would follow with a still more bitter comment.

然而要升到将官级至少要服役22年,国内最优秀、最能服众的优秀军官也不能例外。But to be considered for promotion to general requires at least 22 years of service, and that applies to even the most talented and inspiring military officer in the nation.

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父母希望自己的孩子是严谨的,老师希望学生们是严肃的,老闆希望员工们是严肃的,将官们希望他们的军队是严谨的。Parents want their children to be serious, teachers want their students to be serious, the bosses want their servants to be serious, the commanders want their armies to be serious.

长江巡阅使和长江水师提督是长江水师最主要的高级将官,整个晚清时代长江水师的高级将官职位基本上被湘淮集团所控制。The Yangtze Xunyue Shi and the Yangtze River Army Tidu were the major generals of the Yangtze River Army. The offices of the senior generals were controlled by the Xianghuai Group.

新公共管理理论是将官僚的、权威式的作风和消极性民主政体转换成有效率的、回应性的、顾客导向的新型政府管理模式。The new public administration theory changes the bureaucratic authoritative attitude and the negative democratic system of government to efficient responsible government administration.