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完美的男人骨瘦如柴。Perfect men are scrawny.

他变得骨瘦如柴。He is reduced to skin and bones.

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这个骨瘦如柴的男孩就是巴西。The skinny boy is, of course, Brazil.

我的记忆里,她是个骨瘦如柴的青少年。I remember her as a stick-thin teenager.

我握住她骨瘦如柴的手,伤心得哽咽欲泣。I seized her bony hand with a lump in my throat.

确诊一年以后,父亲已是骨瘦如柴。One year after his diagnosis, my dad was skeletal.

我仔细地打量着眼前这个骨瘦如柴的家伙。I just sized up the short and gaunt guy in front of me.

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他骨瘦如柴,面色灰暗,身披一张麻袋片,脚穿一双露脚指头的烂布鞋。He's wearing a grey, pale, bags, wearing a pair of shoes.

不过是一群烫发涂唇,骨瘦如柴的女孩。They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.

到家时,苏秦已骨瘦如柴,全身破烂肮脏不堪,满脸尘土。When he arrived at home, he was lean as a rake, in rags and dirty.

曾经,有一个骨瘦如柴的小男孩,在学校受到了欺负。Once upon a time, there was a skinny boy who was bullied at school.

渐渐地变得骨瘦如柴,一天终于昏倒路旁,奄奄一息。Becomes gradually thin, one day finally faints the roadside, suffocates.

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这头骨瘦如柴的母牛在饲养员的精心照料下,很快地在肥壮起来。This skinny cow is nowfattening out under the good care of the stockman.

我的体重,也永远不会瘦到只有骨瘦如柴的80磅,但是因为“它”,她会。I've never weighed a frail, sickly 80 pounds, but because of IT, she did.

继续使用动画,将肥胖者与曲线型的比较,或将骨瘦如柴的与瘦弱型比较。Go through the animation and compare full-figured to curvy or skinny to thin.

由上图可知,曲线型女性在29岁时自信心强于骨瘦如柴型的,而且一直保持领先。Curvy women pass skinny ones in self-confidence at age 29 and never look back.

许多年过去了。我的丈夫己经长出了灰发。我也不再骨瘦如柴。上周的一天早晨我醒来时,我。A lot of years have passed. My husband has grey in his hair. I'm no longer skinny.

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你的马卖不出价,谁会买你那匹骨瘦如柴的老马?You'll get nothing for you horse. Who's going to buy and old bag of bones like that?

在象棚的旁边住着一只骨瘦如柴常常半饥半饱的流浪狗。In the neighbourhood of the elephant shed, there was a scrawny , poorly fed, stray dog.

这当然有例外。但我发现亚洲人大多骨瘦如柴,看起来弱不禁风。Of course there are exceptions, but I find Asians generally too scrawny and frail-looking.