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在朝夕相处中,孟菲发现陈超很有演戏天赋。In the elbow, MengFei found is acting talent Chen.

希望你们不要忘记与我们朝夕相处时的情景。Hope you don't forget all of the memories we shared together.

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我和约翰特里朝夕相处,我从未见过任何一个队长像他一样。I am with John Terry every day and I haven't seen another captain like him.

时光潺潺,我们都不再是当年能手拉手朝夕相处的小女孩了。Time flows, we are no longer in the hand in hand be together morning and night girl.

这对夫妻已经结婚68年,从结婚那天就一直朝夕相处住在一起。The couple have been married for 68 years and have lived in the same house since then.

你当我们的班主任,和我们朝夕相处,您总是想着走近我们并了解我们。You when our teacher, and we one day live in, you always think of approaching us and we understand.

她陪伴我,哦,我们朝夕相处,每个夜晚她陪我度过寒夜。Standin' right beside me, Lord, through everything I've done, every night she kept me from the cold.

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孩子依附于和他朝夕相处,给他更多关爱的人是很正常的。It is natural for children to cling to the primary care giver-in this case you, the one who nurtures.

满族八旗与汉军八旗朝夕相处,满汉之间早已相互影响。Banners of the Manchu Eight Banners and Han live day and night, has long been interaction between Man.

我们无法想象一个和一个心地并不善良的人朝夕相处会带来怎样的危害。We cannot imagine spending a lot of time with an ill-willed person, and what sort of danger it would bring.

有趣的是家长爱孩子,但却不喜欢与他们朝夕相处。What’s interesting is the part where parents love their kids but don’t love being with them on a daily basis.

平时朝夕相处的人,只要穿上夜行衣,再蒙个面纱,对方就不认识了。Those that you see everyday, once they wear night subterfuge clothes and a veil, you won't recognize each other.

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小女孩多莉娅和父母一起住在农场里,但孤独的她没有朋友,只有小狗托托朝夕相处。Dorothy lived in the farm with her parents, but she was so lonely and just had a little dog---Todd as her friend.

物似人非,曾经和好朋友朝夕相处的地方,是如此的宁静,我们的欢笑再也没有了,留下的只是默默的回忆!!!Things like good friends, who had not muscles, is so quiet, we laugh never left, just silently memories! ! ! ! ! ! !

这段时间,朝夕相处的都是出家人和虔诚的在家修行人。Living full-time in CTTB for 5months, I was surrounded by the monastic and sincere lay cultivators twenty-four seven.

也难怪,人们朝夕相处的室内环境、格调和品位很大程度上取决于装修质量的高低。No wonder, people dear with the indoor environment, quality and grade level depends largely on the quality of decoration.

当你真心爱某人时,你不仅仅想跟那个人朝夕相处,你更想和他或她分享你所知道的一切。When you really love somebody you don’t just want to spend time with that person, you want to talk with him or her, also.

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赵宏博和申雪从1992年开始配对合作,在朝夕相处的训练和走遍全球的比赛中坠入爱河。Zhao and Shen have been skating together since 1992, and fell in love between practices and competitions around the world.

继续往前,下一个步骤进入到我们每天朝夕相处、年年月月相伴的”环境”区域。Moving forward again, take another step into the environment you find yourself in each day and through the weeks and months.

不管你过去来自哪里,不管你将要奔赴何方,请别忘了你的任课老师、班主任、辅导员和朝夕相处的同学们。In spite of where you came from, where you are leaving for, do not forget your instructors, tutors and your classmates, of course.