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云母,我会救你出来的!Kirara, I'll have you back!

换向片之间的云母。The mica between the segments.

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有些管有一块薄的云母窗。Some tubes have a thin mica window.

绢云母是一种质优价廉的矿物填料。Sericite is a new type of mineral filler.

通过酸处理后,云母白度达到75以上。By acid treatment, the whiteness was over 75.

研究了从锂云母中提取锂的方法。Extracting lithium from lepidolite was studied.

分选出的绢云母矿物价值高。Valueof sericite ore is high by mineral seperation.

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一种由石英和云母构成的花岗石。A granitic rock composed chiefly of quartz and mica.

主要绝缘材料应采用云母。The mica shall be used for main insulating material.

干燥是绢云母生产的关键工艺之一。Drying is one of the key process for producing sericite.

脉石矿物主要有石英、白云母和高岭土。The main gangue minerals are quartz, mica and kaolinite.

云母是我们的主打产品,也是我们引以为豪的产品。Mica is our main product, we are also proud of the product.

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安徽滁州绢云母矿资源量大质优。In Chuzhou, Anhui, there is a large quality sericite deposit.

电绝缘体包括了橡胶、塑料、陶瓷和云母。Electrical insulators include rubber, plastic, porcelain, and mica.

结果表明母质是影响粘粒云母含量的主要因素。The factors influencing the content of hydrous micas were discussed.

其中云母储量、产量、出口量距全国第一。One mica reserves, production, exports from the first in the country.

矿产资源以煤、铁、石膏为主,铅、云母也有蕴藏。Mineral resources, coal, iron, gypsum-based, lead, also contains mica.

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白云母纳米复合材料目前已被广泛研究和应用。Titania-mica composite nano-materials are now widely studied and used.

砂岩杂基组分主要由水云母、凝灰质火山灰、泥铁质构成。It mainly constitutes by hydromica, volcanic material, nud-iron material.

四川丹巴白云母矿是我国开发最早的白云母矿之一。Danba Muscovite Mine, Sichuan is one of earliest muscovite mines in China.