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还是喂鱼来着?Or is it fishes?

你居然还为我担保来着。You vouched for me.

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你说什么来着?Did you say anything?

这是哪首歌里面的来着?What musical is that from?

你说你们去哪儿来着?Where did you say you went?

现在才说,早干嘛来着。Why don't you say until now?

好,几何学是怎么说的来着?The length of a line segment?

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你必须去,什么来着You have to--what do you get?

等会儿,哪边是东来着?Wait, which way is East again?

你刚才说什么来着?What were you saying just now?

昨儿她还说起您来着。She talked about you yesterday.

谁告诉过你,你是一位王孙公子来着?Who told you you were a prince ?

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没事,我刚才跟格西说话来着。Oh, I was just talking to Gussie.

谁让他骂我爸来着。Who, he called me dad come forward.

我看见你巴结老板来着!I've seen you buttering up the boss!

史坦尼斯怎么说他来着?What was it Stannis had said to him?

可是蹄铁匠问我什么来着?But what was it the farrier asked me?

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欧文,他叫什么来着,欧文。斯通?Erving. What's he calling, Er Stone ?

你怎么写得那么整齐来着?How can you contrive to write so even?

我记得你说过你要离开来着。I thought you said you were going out.