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他的创作风格是细致并长于用典。His style is sophisticated and allusive.

如果文本用典,那是什么样的典故?What allusions, if any, are in the text?

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善于用典是其特点之一。Citing allusion is one of its characteristics.

柳词用典,以事典为主,语典次之。In using allusions, Liu Yong emphasized events rather than language.

从两个方面对杜诗的用典艺术进行分析。The analysis of allusions in Du Fu's poems is conducted in two aspects.

语言上爱使用比喻、用典等表现手法。Love to use the language metaphor, allusion and other means of expression.

用典作为古代文人进行创作的主要艺术手法之一,可谓源远流长。The allusions that used as artistic expression by ancient literati had a long history.

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咏史是一种表现手法,它以所咏历史题材是否在诗中占有主体地位区别于用典。Being a unique school, Historical Ode differs itself from Allusion in its history-orientation.

在此基础上,尝试为古代汉语用典修辞理论建立起一个较为体系化的构架。By this try to set up a more systematism frame for the theory of citing allusion in archaic Chinese.

但是,究其本质而言,黄诗的用典代表了宋诗“以才学为诗”的创作倾向。But his allusions in their essence represent the tendency of "writing poems with wits"of the Song poetry.

在表现手法上,本文主要讨论了启文用典的特征。In the technique of expression, here, we mainly discuss the feature of Qinwen's making literary allusions.

这种巧于用典的文笔对翻译者来说是个不寻常的挑战。This kind of writing, with its brilliantly allusive language, poses an uncommon challenge to the translator.

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精细研读文本中的所有用典,如有可能,对用典要刨根问底。Examine all allusions found within the text by tracing their roots to the primary text or source, if possible.

建安文人不仅很好地继承了文人用典的传统,而且创造性地发展了这种传统。Jian'an-literati not only inherited the tradition of literary allusions, but also creatively developed this tradition.

早期诗风是显浅易懂的通俗化,后期诗风则是使事用典的雅化。The poem style in the early period is popularization and that of the late stage is the elegance with literary quotations.

后者的长期典藏显然更适合多数开放近用典藏所的期望。As a rule, the latter form of long-term archiving will be the most appropriate for the majority of Open Access repositories.

用典,是引用修辞方式的一种,指的是运用典故来表情达意。Citing allusion is a kind of rhetoric quomodo of adduction, which means expressing ones sentiment and sense by citing allusion.

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骈文于刘宋时期,首开大量用典之风,这在骈文发展史上具有重要意义。Parallel prose in Liu and Song dynasties began the use of numerous allusions, which is of great significance in its developing history.

起承转合章法遵,对仗用典要巧谨。少用难懂生僻字,立意新奇情动人。Since the bearing to broad seal law compliance, but to be clever with allusions. Use less obscure obscure, purposive novelty love moving.

王国维并不一概反对用典,关键是尽量少用,用时要做到用典入化,用典而不隔。Wang Guowei doesn' t absolutely oppose to using the literary quotation. It' s crucial to use it as less as possible and use it perfectly.