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还记得奥比目睹?Remember Obie witnessed?

你目睹了整场事故?。You witnessed the accident?

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我曾目睹他们当中两人的离世。I have seen two of them die.

一位名叫贾韦德.艾哈迈德的店主目睹了那次袭击。Shopkeeper Jawed Ahmad was nearby.

在这些小丑里有我的目睹者吗?On these clowns, can I get a witness?

他目睹了清晨浴胤室的镜子里。Witness this morning's bathroom mirror.

你是否曾目睹过导弹发射?Have you ever witnessed a missile launch?

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目睹他泪水流淌,我们哽咽而鼻酸。Witnessing these tears, we get choked up.

我们目睹了这个城市的巨大变化。We witness tremendous changes in the city.

我目睹了大量的蹂躏和恐惧。I witnessed a lot of devastation and horror.

我们会目睹怎样的气候异常?What kind of climate anomalies would we see?

我目睹的了“净化”政策的整个过程。I saw this policy of “purification” up close.

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目睹者均强调自己重视金钱的价值观。All the witness emphasized the value of money.

目睹地出令他们感到谦卑。Witnessing an earthrise made them feel humble.

我目睹战舰在猎户星座的端沿起火燃烧。Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of orion.

纳布卢斯居民目睹了局势的好转。And the residents of Nablus are seeing progress.

我们目睹了那起意外,都吓坏了。We were horror-strickenwhen we saw the accident.

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当我目睹他们离去时,我悲伤得落下了眼泪。I cried sadly when they disapeared before my eye.

我们目睹了这起意外,都吓坏了。We were horror-stricken when we saw the accident.

我神魂颠倒,目睹吸收了多少神妙之处。I was carried away, seeing, absorbing many wonders.