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地面对ATC通电测试工作正常。Ground power-on test for ATC OK.

那位电工切断了通电电路。The electrician killed the live circuit.

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前挡风玻璃的防护格栅是通电的。The windshield screen itself is electric.

框体机机器不通电。I. do not power the machine frame machine.

机器通电工作时,灯不亮。The light is not on when connect the power.

通电后电灯发光。An electric light glows when it is turned on.

灯不亮因为没有插上插头通电。The lamp didn't come on since it's not plugged in.

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障碍和通电的十八种不同类型!Eighteen different types of obstacles and power-ups!

第二天雷斯垂德就带来了新消息,他给我们发了通电报。The next day Lestrade had news for us and sent a note.

第二天,那匹马碰到了通电的栅栏,它又逃走了。The next day some plastic electrified fencing cropped up.

大多数房子都没有通电,也没有自来水。Most of the houses have no electricity and no running water.

信号时输出的有效中继模块通电了。Time from valid output on signal to relay energization by module.

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文章对铜丝通电熔化熔断进行了理论上的一些研究。The thesis makes some theoretical research on fusing of opper wire.

旁通电动蝶阀的选择制设在MCC2上。Selector switches for the by-pass butterfly valve is located on MCC2.

当480V电源系统关闭后所有的24V照明必须通电。After power down of the 480V system all 24V lights shall be activated.

转鼓控制器中的一部分传感片是相互通电的。Some of the strips in the drum controller are electrically interconnected.

新疆警备总司令陶峙岳率部通电起义。Xinjiang police commander in chief TaoShiYue effort to electrify uprising.

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一通电他便觉得那台钻在他手中突然猛烈震动。He felt the sudden kick of the drill in his hand as the power was turned on.

节电器在通电过程中,请勿打开面盖或进行带电作业。Do not move the cover or live working when this product is drive into conduction.

对于我的建议,妈妈大加赞赏,尽管当时的房子还没有通电。My mom told me that it was a great idea, either though the house had no electricity.