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你们在策划什么阴谋?What plot are you brewing?

他们正在策划一场抢劫。They are contriving a robbery.

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一项罪恶的策划已出台。A guilty plan has been schemed.

策划一个读书会怎麽样?How about plan a reading party?

他们策划了一个毒辣的阴谋。They concocted a sinister plot.

一个阴谋在暗中策划着。A plot was hatched with secrecy.

希望我策划的曼谷游会是成功的!So I want to be a traveler as well.

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我所做的一切都是精心策划的。Everything I do is very well planned.

娜木钟策划着为博古尔报仇。Na clock planning revenge for Po gul.

这些罪犯阴谋策划抢劫银行。The criminals conspired to rob a bank.

高胜寒答应帮他策划。Goldman sachs cold promised to help him.

印度联邦内政部国务部长贾斯瓦尔说,袭击是精心策划的,是印度历史上最恶劣的袭击事件。Home minister says attacks highly planned

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娄底市林子形象策划&设计在线。LD- linzi image planning & design online.

帮助策划珀杜研究的约翰·L。比尔德说。Beard, who helped design the Purdue study.

他们正在幕后策划一个阴谋。They are brewing a plot behind the scenes.

他帮助策划大型教会运动。He helped inspire the mega-church movement.

他正在策划着报复的手段。He is cogitating upon some means of revenge.

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史密斯教授正在策划一个试验。Professor Smith is contriving an experiment.

是否采用产量策划方法呢?B. 1.10 Is a capacity planning method in use?

所以,大人们都十分热衷于密谋策划这些个童话故事。So we adults engage in a conspiracy of tales.