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在一个公园。In a park.

在八一公园。In bayi park.

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东海公园。East Ocean Park.

到公园那边?Over to the park?

黄石公园。Yellow Stone Park.

在此地,在高尔基公园里。Here in Gorkiy Park.

在金门公园?In Golden Gate Park?

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电影或是主题公园?Cinema or theme park?

在朝阳公园举行。It's in Chaoyang Park.

中央公园,林荫大道。The Mall, Central Park.

这里有很多公园。There's a lot of parks.

公园在泰丰路上。It is on Taifeng Street.

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两个公园都美。Both parks are beautiful.

你去北海公园了吗?Did you go to Behai Park?

我去公园散步。I go for walks in a park.

在公园里喝了桑格亚酒。Drink Sangria in the park.

两个公园都不美。Neither park is beautiful.

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他们在公园里遛了遛。They wandered in the park.

我们在公园有规章。We have rules in the park.

欢迎光临蓝湖公园!Welcome to Blue Lake Park!