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他那样做是出于吃醋。He acted out of jealousy.

听起来你吃醋了。It sounds like you are jealous.

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好像我真的介意似的。我是吃醋了。Like I really care. I am jealous.

吃醋吧,你太狭隘。If you're jealous, she says it's bad.

当你小心眼的想要妒忌想要吃醋了。When you narrow-minded to envy want jealous.

丈夫开始因为妻子的新男友吃醋。He realized he was jealous of her new boyfriend.

彼此不会吃醋,才可以真的无所不谈。Another will not be jealous, before we can really.

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萎缩性胃炎能吃醋泡生姜吗?Atrophic gastritis can be jealous of ginger soak it?

你怎么防止自己吃醋?How would you protect yourself from a jealous lover?

她只不过是在利用他来使她从前的男友吃醋。She is just using him to make her old boyfriend jealous.

山西人爱吃醋的习惯,历史悠久,区域广泛。Shanxi jealous habits, has a long history and regional wide.

你爱信不信,男人不喜欢爱吃醋的女人,哪怕只有一丁点。Believe it or not, men do not like jealousy, even a small bit.

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有时我们早点就吃醋汤面或炒米饭。Some time, we use fry rice or pickled noodle as the breakfast.

此外,金牛还会因为天秤浪漫多情又变化无常的天性而大为吃醋。To boot, Taurus is jealous of Libra's romantic and fickle nature.

一旦看到所爱的人跟他人讲话,爱吃醋的恋人便醋意大发。They are jealous any time their loved one talks to another person.

山西人善酿酷爱吃醋,素有“老醯儿”之称。Shanxi jealous love of good brew, known as "old acyl children, " said.

莫尼卡惧怕菲德尔吃醋,没有把丹特请本人帮助的事通知菲德尔。Monica fear Fidel's jealous, gave no Dan of my help, please notify Fidel.

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彼此不会吃醋,才可以真的无所不谈。Will not be jealous with each other before we can really their advantage.

男人对喜欢吃醋的女人,不满多于喜欢。The man to likes the woman who is jealous, is more than discontentedly likes.

你是个大醋坛,怎么爱吃醋。是不信任他还是?怕失去。You're a big vinegar forums, how jealous. He does not trust? Afraid of losing.