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嘿!找来找去也是徒然。Alas! but the search was in vain.

有人对浅滩上嬉戏玩耍的狗徒然呼喊--查理!Someone calling in vain — 'Charlie!

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是谁让他们的渴望成徒然?Who renders vain their deep desire?

很清楚我们崇拜偶象是徒然的。So clearly we worship idols in vain.

你们受苦如此之多,都是徒然的吗。Have ye suffered so many things in vain?

我却不在,你只有徒然地将我思念。Ishall be gone, and you may whistle for me.

也就是说,神所说的话不会是徒然的。In other words, what God says is not in vain.

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影儿,你徒然随偎我这个孤身!Copy son, you in vain with Wei I this Gu body!

相爱不逢时,刻骨亦徒然。Love at a wrong time, deep-seated is also vain.

你徒然点上晚妆的灯火——它熄灭了。In vain you light your toilet lamp——it goes out.

不要企图把原已被筛除的人拉进来,因为那徒然是浪费时间而已。Don't waste time trying to put in what was left out.

那就让爱的愁眼,徒然地因着盼望而流泪。Then let the sad eyes of love vainly watch and weep.

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就算房间再多、再大,也是徒然。Consider a room again again much, big, also be unfruitful.

格劳科斯徒然地竭力安慰着垂头丧气的伊俄涅。Glaucus vainly endeavored to cheer the exhausted spirits of Ione.

义若是借着律法得的,基督就是徒然死了For if justification comes through the law then Christ died for nothing.

你徒然点上晚妆的灯火——它颤摇着在风中熄灭了。In vain you light your toilet lamp——it flickers and goes out in the wind.

我实在徒然洁净了我的心,徒然洗手表明无辜。Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency.

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男人们埋头看晚报,而妇女们则在徒然地想做点针线活。The men's face buried in their evening papers while women try in vain to knit.

假如爱,等上千年也心甘,若不爱,望眼将穿也徒然。If love, and so also willing, if do not love for children, autumn in vain also.

你们对答的话中既都错谬,怎么徒然安慰我呢?How then comfort ye me in vain, seeing in your answers there remaineth falsehood?