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你是佻的裙子吗?Is this your skirt?

把你的裙子撩起来。Pull up your skirt.

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裙子的褶边已缝好了。The skirt has hemmed.

一条白色缎面裙子。A skirt of white satin.

粗花呢的外套和裙子。He wore a tweed jacket.

她的裙子看来很谷气。Her dress looked cheap.

这是一件打褶子的裙子。It is a gathered skirt.

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路西的裙子是橙色的。Lucy's skirt is orange.

蒂娜不再穿黄色的裙子。Tinna the yellow skirt.

她的裙子皱了。Her skirt was rucked up.

我想穿那条绿色的裙子。I wanna wear the dress.

我穿这条裙子好吗?Shall I wear this dress?

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她把裙子拖脏了。She bedaggled her skirt.

她把她的裙子折边改短。She turned up her skirt.

这条裙子很合你身。The skirt fits you well.

还有漂亮的衣服和裙子,nice clothes and dresses.

它是一条深紫色的裙子。It is a dark purple dress.

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这条裙子怎么啦?Now what about this skirt?

我们将干洗这条裙子。We ll dry-clean the dress.

我们将干洗这条裙子。We’ll dry-clean the dress.